Need To Learn Everything....

in #llife6 years ago

Continue from... (Thinking Everything ....)

Day by day when I lie-down on bed and keep fighting for my independence to become better. We as the patient we know our limit and we keep pushing ourselves to get our maximum. We always need to put our disciplining is our primary role in our daily life. But we also need our care giver help for most of our time.


As for my daily life, I always have hope every morning I want to see my son and after that he always wanted to play at living hall. So I want to follow with him and I need to force myself to sit at wheelchair. When I tried to sit on wheelchair my body was out balance and feel like dropping off from the chair. I need to secure myself with safety belt to strip my chest.


When the time, I cannot sit for long because my shoulder and neck are very stiff and become aching everywhere and I need to lie-down on bed. At the time I feel so sad because of my endurance is too little and I need to wait for my recovery is more time than what I have spent time for myself trying to do something.


I only can sit on hospital bed and played my pad that one of my friend give it to me as present at hospital. It was become my entertainer and I can search whatever I like as well as I am able to type all the words that I want with my right little finger. It is also one of my goal to achieve to practice typing for my daily life for my future.

Everything I need to learn from beginning again. I want to carry my son with my hand but I cannot do it. All of my hand are can’t even touch my nose and feel very stiff. My body is out of shape and I only can feel and sense from my collar bone above only. Basically my head and shoulder only can feel and sense.


When my son cry, I also want to cry because I can’t comfort him during at night. I cannot sleep with him together and I only can hear his crying voice and I cannot do anything. Even I don’t know why he cry. It was very terrible feeling for me as father and I can’t be beside him when he needs someone to give much better comfort.


And also when he played, I cannot company him, guide him and protected him as father. When he face with difficultly with new toys, I cannot guide him how he can use the toy to get fun. Although I know how to teach because of my high disability I can’t show him how to use.

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)


Very very cute and I like it photo.

thank you sis...

I truly admire your courage. And I truly feel sorry for you. Take care and be strong. I hope for some miracle cure for you in the near future.

one day at the time and hoping for good.

That is a great attitude to take. You are my hero. Best wishes.

Learning never old!

Posted using Partiko Android

need to be keep fighting....

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