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RE: TANGIBLE SMART TOKENS: the ONLY solution to this Singular Point of Failure

in #crypto6 years ago

Everyone seems to grasp that in a very large sense, we are already living in a largely "digital world." There are many benefits to this, but there are some costs and risks associated with this too.

That is a really interesting story about the Roma people and the value inherent in their possessions. The people of India are quite similar in holding large portions of their wealth in the form of gold jewelry.

I get it - one can't be prepared for everything... and yeah, in a total shit-hit's-the-fan Mad-Max environment, nothing is going to save you.

That's not to say, however, that being as prepared as one can reasonably be, will not help immensely in securing and maintaining one's freedoms and liberties for a far longer stretch until such time as cooler heads prevail.


Interesting that the people of India are similar, the heritage of Roma is Indian, The word gypsy comes from the fact that when they migrated to europe the locals thought the clothing they wore was egyptian looking and named them the because of that.

Bro - you double votin' yourself with your other account? Not cool to boost your comment in the thread like that, man... Least that's the way I feel, anyhow... Your business what you do elsewhere, but since you did it here on my thread I felt it only proper I share my feelings on the matter. Peace, bro...

my bad man, I also do it on all the comments and threads im part of, I just went through my comment section clicking the upvote, appreciate your feelings and being direct with me. Peace and good will!

No worries, brother. Thanks for understanding my point of view... Peace! :-)

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