Optimizing the use of tech in my business

in Steem Entrepreneurs2 years ago (edited)

Hello guys whats good? So today I'll be talking a little on the use of tech in my field of business which will be inline with the contest theme so I'll be focusing more on how best I will use this tool to get better in my business especially the sales aspect.



The word business is not something new to man, or any man and it has been in existence since time immemorial. Every one do it one way or the other even nature itself where it gives us oxygen in exchange for carbondioxide. Thats the essence of business, exchange. Its simply the exchange of goods and/or services for value( not necessarily money though).

Since everyone is into business one way or tbe other, there's competition everywhere for who will get the better share of the business and one would like to use every means possible to enhance their business opportunities. I am no different.

I also run a business. Its one where I sell eggs, wholesale, to retail shops. Its a popular business in my area and quite a number of people are into it and there are lots of veterans in it too. I have to compete with them so I'll be looking at the use of tech to further boost my sales.

I'll highlight a few areas where I think the use of tech will be beneficial to my business :



Well this is as important to the business as the business itself. If no one knows about your business then you're as good as being non-existent. The more people that knows about you, the more sales you're likely to make and more sales equals to much growth if well handled.

There are many means by which one can publicize their business like doing it in person, printing fliers or business cards. Modern ways include placing these ads on tvs and airing them on radio.

Anothet useful means is to make use of the options provided by bigger companies like Google and Facebook, other social media etc, because they are well known and have great traffic you have a higher chance of getting you business viewed and patronized.


The other sector of my business where tech will be helpful will be in the finance. Hardly is there any business that does not involve money and there's a rush to improve the traditional system of collecting cash from customers as many have found this to be very risky, including me.

Nowadays, we habe online platforms like bank apps where ome can perform cash less transactions and its way faster than having to count every bit of the cash especially on cases that involves huge sums.

The latest means to handle this is the use Crypto for payment purposes as well as purchases. Its still very new and most people refrain from it but I think its the future of finance coupled with the fact that the crypto could increase in value with time. I haven't yet tried this in my business but I'm open to trying this sooner rather


Who does business and won't move at one point or the other with his or her goods? Anyone into eggs business will agree with me when I say transportation is one of the greatest challenges of this business. As a novice, I have broken more eggs than I can count. Those stuffs are just so fragile that I expect to have a few cracked eggs with each shipping.

I don't know of any better means other than to drive carefully, if you know any, I'm open for suggestions in the comments section below. For now I just package them tightly but not too tight just firm enough so as to reduce the risks. I appreciate the cars which are a result of tech though.


In the end, we all want to be better in our various businesses and the use of technology is one way to achieve that dream. I'm a big dreamer and hope to be the very best in my field.

 2 years ago 

Your post look so unique, you have done well my friend

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