Nifty Clouds and Some Random Thoughts and Musings

in #photography5 years ago

(All photos taken by @paradigm42)
Sometimes I find myself at a point where I lack the mental energy and motivation to work on a well reasearched photography/nature post. (Usually right around the time I've been on a successful posting roll and getting some notice lol..) I am trying to get back into the posting groove, so here I am basically doing a freewrite with some nifty cloud photos to break things up a bit.
I can almost believe that If I could just climb to the very top of one of thoses tall trees, I could step out on to the clouds and explore the different paths before me.
Islands float above
Adrift in the air currents
An Ocean of sky
(A haiku made by me to all of you! I told you this post would be random lol!)
I really need to get a real camera and lenses. I also need a new laptop, (I've been doing everything blog wise on my phone and it's beyond annoying at this point..) I also need a new phone for that matter lol.
All in all I am at a point where I seriously need to get off my ass and get on some serious tech upgrades. I am at an impass where I have little motivation to work on photography and blog stuff on my 3 year old phone with a cracked screen.
While in general I am in a financial position to slowly but surely upgrade everything, I also am at the point where I need to buy a decent used car sooner than later, (My current car needs more work than I want to spend on it.) so there is that lol..
Sorry for my little venting rant, but that's where I am at the moment. I guess I just have to look up at the clouds, be grateful for what I have and know that every little step forward counts. I know that with patience, smart research and financial planning, I can achieve all of my tech, photography, blog and life goals!
Always remember that it is all about the little things in life and thanks for looking in! :)


:) I like these freewrite things, and rambling posts, I think that they are kind of underrated genre :) And the photographs here are beautiful ... hehe, I deeply understand the lousy equipment rant - I use some too :) A compact camera with manual setting included it's a great inexpensive tool for good photography, used ones are really cheap and this kind of camera can do great things once you have some expirience with it.

Thank you very much! :) I am definitely beginning to appreciate freewrite/random type posts a lot more as I read and write more of them. I hope to start working on getting a camera soon. Thank you also for the encouragement through your own experiences! Your photography is amazing so it means a lot to me. :)

Hello @paradigm42, your pix of the clouds are awesome, did you say you took them with your phone? Boy oh boya, great shots.

Thank you very much! :) Yes all I take all of my photos with my cellphone. I have a macro lens made to be used with a phone camera for my macrophotography.

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