Here starts the miracles again @papilloncharity!

Here we have a small box with 2 Adult Diapers (Nappies) packed in it!

You might also be very surprised when you read the rest of this story, but let me give nothing away here.
Rather read the story!

This is a big carton box that contains 30 of the smaller boxes in the first photo!

Here you see a huge truck that arrived at the farm to deliver the boxes of adult nappies to @papilloncharity

The truck was too big to turn around on the farm and so we had to offload the goods straight into our own smaller truck at the farm's gates.

And there you have it! 159 carton boxes delivered as a gift to the poor that are to be distributed by @papilloncharity

Now let us just pause here for a second. 159 boxes x 30 boxes each x 2 nappies in each box = 9 450 adult nappies.
Wow! This is the abundance of our God, as we have not asked for any of this. We landed here in a rural area after our relocation from the city of Johannesburg for several reasons. One, was that our projects in the city had outgrown our small staff complement. The projects were taken over by a large mission church with much manpower.
Two, was that after 17 years of strife and sacrifice at our work, my health started packing up and I had to have a major operation. Three, was that I was advised (ordered) to rest for at least a year (brrr) in order to regain my strength and faculties and four, our friend, the owner of this farm had a relapse in her cancer fight and she implored us to come here soonest, as she is away in hospital.

And now look at this! As I said, we definitely did not ask for this. My phone rang and it was a friend in the city that asked if we could do something with a few adult nappies. Of course we can, as there are old age homes, frail care centers, local clinics, old people in the communities and also cerebral palsied homes that always need nappies.
I expected a few and we received thousands!
A miracle that's going to help many!

Thank you for visiting this happy post by @papilloncharity.

Note; I will continue with future posts about Papillon's distribution of the nappies!

signatureTeam South Africa banner designed by @bearone


Oh wonderful! I’m sure many people will be made more comfortable by this! Gratitude to the angels out there that were so thoughtful to send this to the right hands to get it to the people who need it most!

Wow, that is really amazing! Expecting a few of them and receiving almost 10,000!! That is definitely a blessing and I'm sure it will help out the older members of the community!!

@apanamamama A blessing indeed and what a pleasant surprise. You are right, as now many of the older folks will benefit from this gift! Blessings!

Kind people always quietly go about business offering help when you least expect it Stephen, this will help many what a wonderful gift.

@joanstewart Just shows the benefit of getting the Papillon name out there as trustworthy Lady Joan. Now of course we have a task that I dislike intensely and that is to guard against the sharks that would try to sell the donated goods. But thankfully we have much experience in this and the job will be done. This is indeed a wonderful windfall for the old people. Blessings!

Yes I am sure many sharks in the pond circling, under great supervision and a beady eye I know those diapers will go to the elderly and needy, exactly where they were intended to go. Keep up the good work!

This really is a sweet surprise for you guys. Am really happy for you and the community. There is hope in this world for there are many kind and good people around :)

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@marblely Thank you and you are so right. The old people struggle to survive on government pensions and so many frail ones cannot afford nappies. This will indeed be a great gift to them and I am so glad that we can help the again. Blessings!

This is amazing, certainly a more than just a few nappies @papilloncharity! God often provides more than we ever dreamt of, and now you can pass these blessings on, stay blessed!

@lizelle We certainly serve a great Father Lady Lizelle. 9540 nappies to be exact. Already gave 600 to a local NGO called Agape and from Monday will start to distribute all the rest. Will take a week or 3 to get all out, but this is the work that we love to do! Blessings!

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