in OCD3 years ago

It still counts as a success!!

Each day is different. The day before, the carp were rolling. The next day, not so much. But... their presence was still there, so eventually, we stuck one. It took a bit to get this one too, and multiple shots, but it still counts. I wanted Bugger to enjoy some time in the kayak and out bowfishing for carp, and was hoping that Red-Pepper might get a chance to hit one. Well, Red-Pepper came up empty on that, but we still had a great time, and got to take some cool photos when we returned to the truck. Here they are, enjoy them!


Until next time…

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Awesome!! :)

This fish is too big to hold it. Lovely moment! Your post is really enjoyable, have a great day!

wow the fish are so big the kids are so brave,
Thank you @papa-pepper for sharing ..

Awesome nice catch, sometimes we may not really achieve as much as we set out to do but definitely the little wins also counts as success

Not all the time you can catch a lot, sometimes many, sometimes a little. But it's fun even if it's just one fish caught and it's still big. It's enough for meal I think :)

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