in Tribe Steem Up!3 years ago

Look at what I found!

Earlier, I was working in the garden with my two year old and three year old. When I moved a rock, I saw this creature! Thankfully, it is a beneficial and nonvenomous snake, known as a Red-Bellied Snake. They even eat snails and slugs, so we are pleased to see this one living in the garden. They only grow to about a foot long, and give live birth, so we won't be finding any eggs from it. After a brief educational lesson for my little ones, we let it go back in the garden. Enjoy the photos!


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your child is very brave 👍 and this is my first time seeing this snake.

Hey Man! I've been offline for a long time and now i'm back. I have to re-learn everything all over again!

Jeez, your son is very brave, he really held that in his hands? I'm even scared shitless looking at him holding that.

So awesome! Snakes are great, especially the ones that don't bite and are not poisonous haha

the snake is so cute :)

I am happy with this post, it made me discover a lot of new things from this. I just saw the snake. continued success. Thanks you @papa-pepper

Beautifully snake. when I did some planting yesterday with son who is all grown up and we saw several elusive tiny garter snakes.

Wow That's very impressive, everyone is afraid to hold the snake but you are not at all

How beautiful! The children are not afraid of snakes! Here, most people would be running away and screaming!! LoL

wow kids are not afraid of snakes, is this snake not venomous ,, photo is so cool @papa-pepper

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