A few Tenets for productivity. ¦ Getting things done each day.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Activity doesn't always equal accomplishments. The fact that you were busy all day doesn't necessary mean you'll be productive. There are a number of "shades" and hindrances that could make activities unproductive. Sometimes, it may be that you just didn't do enough, or your goals weren't properly defined, or you were disappointed by someone or something. It's a long list of possible deterrents. Activity isn't always the same as effectiveness.

According to the Pareto principle, 20% of your activities produce 80% of your results. To get the most of your time, it is imperative for you to identify those 20% that you could do to contribute the most value, and do at least twice as many of them.

Here are a few ways you can get this done:

Write down a list of tasks you intend to accomplish during the day.

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Writing things down helps you visualize them easily. it becomes harder to forget. I don't shop often, but when I do, I find that making a list of the things I'd be buying would help me stay on course. In writing it down daily activities, You want to be absolutely clear about this. make it clear. you could include things like, Say;

  • Take out the trash,
  • Visit the gym,
  • Buy more pet food,
  • Write that project report on... etc...

Also, it's always okay to do a little at a time. Do not bite more than you can chew.

Begin with the toughest task and stick with it till it's done.

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Start with the hardest nuts first, and then gradually to the marshmallows.

Leaving the toughest for later can prove to be herculean! You wanna start with the tough biggest nuts first and see it through. Why? *your willpower is normally high on mornings, and drains like a battery during the various activities of the day. –Use it wisely, take on the big guy first! 🤣

Allot time durations to these tasks

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This doesn't always work for everyone, as some people tend to be more fluid with their tasks. However, you wanna be razor sharp on a particular task at that point in time. If you plan on making a post on your blog, how about allocating to it a time duration to see if you could follow through. Studies have shown that people tend to be productive outta necessity and time factor. So go ahead and use that stopwatch for a start and let's see how far you could go.

Create a mental overview of your day.

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See yourself through your mind's eyes accomplishing all the tasks you've written down. this could help you realize you ought to be doing something, and snaps you back into reality, should in case you get carried away with chitchats and distractions.

Let go of every distraction.

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I do find that trying to clean up my room with the TV left on takes a longer time to accomplish than normal. That's because I would take occasional pauses to pay more attention to something I just heard. And nope, I haven't gotten over this habit yet. Lol...

If possible, remove the distraction, or step out of your immediate environment or comfort zone to a place where you can maintain focus until the tasks are done. Need I say more about this?

Double up on the times devoted on those tasks that produce the greatest results in your life.

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When you find your 20% (According to the Pareto 80/20 rule), you wanna stick to it and try to figure out even better ways to make it work for you. You can do this by spending more times to gain hands on experiences and knowledge. It works, everytime.

Success in life is basically a completion of tasks. The more important tasks you complete, the closer you are to the success you desire.

Decide today to be a more productive and result oriented person who's reputable for his productivity.

Question: I might have left one out. What other ways do you think one can become more productive???

To your greatness,



Some people do not believe in their abilities to actually go through a day and accomplish something meaningful. I will suggest believing in yourself as one way of being productive.

Beautifully Written Post.

You're very right dear... I did leave this one out... Belief in one's self does a word of good in setting the frame for success first...

Like you rightly said, being busy doesn't equate to being productive. I think when goals are set properly, it would be easier to accomplish things than just do them

Writing down what you want to achieve really helps dude...
Thanks for sharing

My writer!

Wow. You inspire bro. Thanks for this.

You're welcome

very informative, will apply the ones i've not been applying. thanks for sharing

also, i saw your upvote on my recent post. Thanks for the support. I am now following you for life, lol

I'm glad I found you on steemit, learning a great deal from you, tnx

Stick around dear...i could teach you a bit more. join us on discord... air clinic i'll send the link later

I love what you do on steemit,i will keep following you

I work the same way. Check - check!🐓🐓

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