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in #story8 years ago


  Stone types Idocrase ( Idokras ) This is one of the gems that are very popular and hunted by the collector gem from domestic and overseas such as the one that has been described in a posting on Bio Solar Aceh

Most colored gemstones idokras moss green or sometimes resembling the solar color , the yellowish brown . The popularity of this type of gem skyrocketed since reportedly one of the leaders of this country wore a ring with a gem of this kind .

This stone popularity continues to climb , amid intensifying the penggemnar who continues to chase , especially after some time ago , this stone has won a contest at the Indonesia Gemstone ( IGS ) , which was held in Jakarta in early september 2014 ago.

     Idocrase origin?

Currently only two known regional names as the source of this gem of West Sumatra and Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Idocrase of West Sumatra dkenal as Dareh River, perhaps because of this type of rock is obtained from one of the many rivers there, and Idocrase of Aceh known or nephrite jade Aceh Aceh.  But today has discovered a new type of idocrase originating from East Luwu in South Sulawesi Province. The jewel brownish green or Brownish Green and black spotted there. Appearance is not much different gem with gem Dareh River Janti types of beetles. Only noticeable difference from the base color, Sungai Dareh Janti over bright green beetle but there were also idocrase East Luwu in green and yellowish green are included in this type of Idocrase vesuvianite 


formation :

These rocks are formed from the freezing magma with a high Mg composition . Formed at very high temperatures as well ranging from 1200 ° C - 1800 ° C . Faneritik rock texture in the form of the mineral composition of the perfect crystallization

If seen physically Idocrase Stone type divided into three kinds , namely

• Transparent

• Massive ( opaque )

• Translucent light thin fibrous

Idocrase kind of massive or with the characteristics of dark and opaque include the type most commonly found on the mine site and is not difficult to get . While these types of fibrous thin until clear transparent , including the type of rare and found only in limited quantities , it should also be digging between hard rocks flanking

Mineral Composition and Type Stone Idocrase  Idocrase a peridotite rock group are included in the series of ultramafic igneous rock peridotite with Olivine mineral composition dominated by > 90 %  More specifically the composition can be seen as follows :

   What is the market price of the stone Idocrase?  Price jewel idocrase already priced up to hundreds of millions of rupiah. Because the amount is very limited and hard to reach areas of mining, idocrase this kind become rare and difficult to obtain. Scarcity and limited supply, both at the mines or in the market has led to the kind of precious stone idocrase very expensive. Not to mention this type of rock, not only favored local collectors often been the target of foreign collectors.  Even if there are available at storefront gem seller, that too can be obtained at a price that mahal.Menurut a trader from Aceh, the current price idocrase stone can be said to be very expensive compared to some time ago a very affordable or before the stone is glimpsed many collectors. Currently one kind indocrase stones can cost tens of millions of rupiah, even in an exhibition of bio-diesel idocrase stone sold for Rp. 200 Million.  
 Why do you need to have it?  Idocrase gemstone is a kind of rare gems and is a favorite among local and foreign collectors. So that precious stones are often the prey of lovers rock / gemslover from different countries and make it more and more coal price soared.  Have it will be the pride and prestige of its own for the wearer


 okay maybe up here just my explanation of indocrase stone , we will continue with the other stones that exist in nature Indonesia
still follow me continue

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