Uncovering the Facts Takes Courage

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)


After making a comeback to the blockchain and blogging almost 3 months ago now, at around about that same time, Valentines Day was just around the corner. So I decided to get in before the rush, and write an early edition Valentines day post. I was in a very upbeat mood at the time, so I thought it would be fun to write a bit of an anti-Valentines day troll post:)

In that post, I mentioned how I had to sign up to Pinterest to get the the images and URL links, because those images were exclusively available on Pinterest only. As the story went, I didn't want to provide Pinterest with my real personal details and I signed up with fake details, which included a fake profile and persona where I identified as a non-binary Elephant called Anthony!

Anyway, as a result of me signing up to Pinterest, I started to receive a lot of junk mail to my fake persona email address. In the last week or so specifically, I have received 4 emails from the New York Times. They seem to be running a campaign to sign up online customers - these fake news artists, seem quite desperate by the look of those emails in my opinion.


What Independence? You are directly tied at the hip with the fake news media industrial complex. I don't think that takes much courage either. $2 a week could be better spent elsewhere, and I could probably do a better job myself anyway, with open sourced information. I sure as hell wouldn't want to spend years waiting for the real facts and for you to break the next big story, only to find out years later that it was fake news sent straight from the desk of the State Department!
On the bright side, at least you can cancel anytime, and their is no commitment required :P


I'd hate to think that some fool decided to sign up on the first day, because by the very next day we got a 50% discount lol. On top of that, we get an extra 50% off on a yearly subscription, if we sign up for the printed version. What? I had no idea that a printed version was still in existence! That's why they are called the dinosaur media I guess:)

As part of this ad campaign, we also got the gender diversified version, with a nice pinkish hue, instead of the dreary black background. That should do the trick! Where do I sign up?

Unfortunately this outfit seems quite irresponsible during these uncertain times, as they are not even abiding by the official social distancing rules. Keeping the "experts" close at hand would certainly put you in danger in more ways than one! Unlimited digital access with fake news "experts" close at hand, sounds like a torture trap to me.


Oh goody! More pink, but this time we get some guidance too! Things still seem to be uncertain though:(


Now it's getting damn serious by the 4th day. They are throwing the knowedge word out there, and it's super indispensable! I have noticed though, that the pinkish hue has been watered down to the point of it being closer to a light purple. Very "Princely", wouldn't you say?. Perfect for a walk down to the lake to feed some doves, while reading this bastion of truth!

I do have to give them some credit though, for the words included as part of their ad campaign. To be a real journalist, it does actually take some real courage.

The only problem with that is, that organisations like Google and it's sister company in Youtube, are not very fond or welcoming of real independent journalists. They prefer to filter them out, with their advanced and manipulative algorithms. They've certainly strayed a long way from their original mission statement.



Other social media platforms don't fare much better, and you could end up getting into hot water, just like this guy below!


You think that's bad? Quit your crying, you spoilt little snowflakes. It could be a whole lot worse! Take a look at what happens if you really challenge the establishment!




As always, have a great day and PEACE


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