Look Shiny Objects! - The False Dichotomy

in #politics7 years ago


From a young age we are conditioned to be part of a group, this is a natural for a tribal species, as we needed the tribe to survive for much of our history. It is no longer as useful for us, and can easily be turned into distractions that keep us from addressing the real issues of the world. Identity politics is the pinnacle of dividing us into smaller groups that you are either “with us or with the terrorists/Nazis/SJWs/Muslims/Jews/Christians/etc”. While we are busy demanding ideological purity from all members of our group we miss the much larger picture, our group as well as the other groups we don’t agree with are all being funded and nudged in direction that do not threaten the predators at the top of the pyramid that are trying to fundamentally change the world to fit their ideals while not telling us what those ideals are.

Those evil right wing Christians want to take the rights to your body away, look shiny object… Don’t look at the bankers that are sucking the wealth/resources of the world risk free as they fund all the politicians and privatize all the gains while at the same time they socialize all the losses. Those crazy SJW’s want to force you to use pronouns that they choose, look shiny object… Don’t look at the trillions being stolen by private companies that are building the weapons of war. They use public funds to fund the creations of death, then they sell the weapons not only to the government but to governments all over the world, and most go to the most aggressive violators of human rights in the world, not to nations trying to defend themselves from the aggressors.

Our team won the championship this year!! Ooohhh Shiny… Don’t pay attention to companies buying up all their competition to consolidate power among very few who control large sectors of the economy that we depend on for everyday life. Ignore the fact they are violating our rights and nothing more than the latest method to invisibly take away our natural right. Corporate tyranny is nothing new, we just don’t know real history. Companies like the British East Indian Trading company, De Beers, Dutch East Indian, British South African Company, etc. are all examples of companies being used for tyrannical oppression. Sometimes they use mercenary armies and sometime state armies to impose their tyranny but one thing is for sure the profits always go to them and their cronies and the blame for their actions always goes onto the people of the countries they claim to represent. It is tempting to think this is distant past and has no relevance to the current era, but this would be a very foolish position to take. Just this week the USA contemplated putting a full mercenary army in charge of Afghanistan. It was suggested that Blackwater (now known as Academi) (owned by Erik Prince, brother of Trump’s Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos) would be put in charge.

Look at those evil Muslims and the latest terror attack! Wow… Very Shiny… Don’t pay attention to the group of people pushing “multiculturalism” and “diversity” on the west by bring in millions of prime breeding age males from the 3rd world, lying to both them and us as to why they are doing it. Millions of poor uneducated 3rd world male migrants in the first world is of course a recipe for disaster. Ignore the fact that they are pushing these agendas to justify endless wars. Ignore the destruction of your national sovereignty so that unelected corporate overloads install bureaucrats to international government position that have the final say over the actions of nations.

Look at what those Republican/Democrat puppets are doing this week, we must vote them out cause surely the Republican/Democrat that replaces them will fix everything. Shiny… Ignore the think tanks/staffers/lobbyist that never leave and don’t take their orders from the politicians rather they get their orders from shadowy organization that have their own agenda that they never get the consent of anyone then push it on everyone. They let the politicians put on their little play for the profane masses while they continue their never ending march towards their goals, and if they dance fast enough they get a nice fat paycheck for the rest of their lives in one to these think tanks (or corporation that fund them).

No matter how many clowns they put in front of us saying such oxymoronic statements such as “he will not divide us” (which is clearly meant to divide us) we will always have more in common than not. They don’t want us to realize this so they fund BLM and other organization on the left as well as organization on the right (tho they do this much more covertly in the case of those on the right, and probably use coercive means to control them, as those on the right tend to be a little more critical of the organization they support). So while we sit here staring at the shiny objects we ignore the fact we all know they are colluding and controlling all the banks and major corporation and using them to steal all the wealth of nations and push their agendas on us. We are not nearly as divided as they try to make us believe, and when we finally wake up and unite, blacks and whites, democrats and republicans, left and right, Bronco and Raider fans they will be done. This is their biggest fear, millions of people on all sides waking up to the fact we are being played uniting and demanding they stop abusing our rights and stealing our wealth (wouldn’t it be great if we all demanded the claw back all the ill gotten gains and locked up these crooks). The shiny objects are not real issues at all, they can all can be very easily solved on local levels if the predators that pray on us were removed from power.

Thanks for reading :)


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