How we lost our personal responsibility.

in #politics7 years ago


We use to understand that society only functions when individuals are responsible for their actions, this predates the desert religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) by thousands of years.

All three desert religions replaced the concept of honor of the individual with some sort of collective good, and that you have to follow an arbitrary guide (that changes dramatically over time). But, at the end of the day they are all used as ways to manipulate rather than enrich the lives of society, and allow their respective populations to be controlled. Once you can convince someone to believe on set of totally irrational set of rules you can twist those rules to mean what every you want them to, and therefor bring them to your will.

This has the effect of eliminating personal responsibility for ones actions. It is well known that people will do things they would never dream of doing when they can put responsibility for those actions onto other (see Milgram experiments, but equally applies to solders and other atrocities throughout history, almost always there is a lack of personal responsibility). How many people would torture or kill a fellow man if it was not in the name of country or religion? or if they did not think they could get forgiveness from their chosen beliefs (or even rewards).

It is time we rediscover our real roots before we were forcefully converted to a desert religion (most of us have seen through it and cast it aside, for the rest I hope you read your chosen book for yourself without any input from anyone, and see if you still believe it). Those that have cast it aside and seen through the low intelligent brainwashing of the desert religions turn to worshiping an even more false god, the state. They seek to control people through the use of governmental force, which in today's society (at least in the west, for now) is far more destructive and dangerous than any of the desert religions.

We need to reconnect with our pagan roots and rediscover honor. It brings great inner peace to know you live an honorable life, and treat others with respect but also hold them accountable for their actions. Once you reconnect with this past you will see that a simple life where you are responsible to yourself will liberate you from the control of those wishing to control you. It forces you to reexamine your actions and to be a better person, while not allowing you to think less of others because they are different and of different groups.

While nothing is perfect and never will be, a return to a self reliant, self accountable, and honorable existence will go a long way to filling the void left by the rejection of the invasive religions that have corrupted our hearts and minds. Freeing ourselves from the debt slavery and government control can largely be achieved by returning to a simple life, living within our means, and breaking free from the brainwashing of the government/corporate/religious axis.

We should strive to be our own men, men of honor and accountability. Where we expect more of ourselves and of others.


Thanks for this post, personal responsibility has become some of the biggest problems we face today! You might take interest in a film which features Bruce Lipton called the suppressed knowledge of science, he explains of us as humans not taking responsibility for our well being anymore is also causing more damage to our health than ever before check it out if you get a chance 👍🏻

Sounds very much along the lines of what I write about... I just started writing, I hope people find it useful and/or entertaining or at least provocative enough to think about a bit.

I'm sure they will, keep it up👍🏻

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