Freeing our minds, return to our true roots?

in #religion7 years ago


What happens when you don't fit in with the brainwashed government loving leftist, or the brainwashed desert religion worshiping right? Or the delusional Utopian Anarchist? What happens when you dare to think for yourself?

What happens when you live in an insane world surrounded by those that would think your insane cause you question reality and have found that most everything you thought you "knew" was a lie?

Things are as they have been since we were conquered by a foreign religion, its just today we have the unfortunate advantage of stumbling upon forbidden knowledge that those that craft our reality have always been successful in hiding. Christianity burned and destroy all knowledge of our prechristian roots, and if Islam has its way it will do the same.

Christianity has imprisoned the minds of more people than any other religion in the west, and those that break free of it turn to worship of the state and power over their fellow man.

What if we rediscovered our roots, discovered the honor based system of our long lost ancestors and returned to a basic system where everyone was equal and obeyed a simple set of rules. Reconnected to each other based on mutual goals and support and defense, not attacking our neighbors but ready if they should attack us.

The desert religions have all removed the responsibility of the individual and allowed it to be substituted with "the word of God" where you can cherry pick "the word of God" to mean any immoral thing you like, and should you happen to break those words, never fear do this or that and all is forgiven.

We once were a proud people that held honor above all and this led to modern society, it was very simple and treated everyone equally, where the leaders had the most responsibility to exemplify all that was good, or someone else was selected to lead. The were the best among us, not the worst as they are today.

We are a conquered people, and have had our ways destroyed by those that wished to rules us, first in the name of Christ now in the name of Globalism, both groups were immoral savages and this is what allowed them to rise to power in the corrupted systems they embodied. They enslaved the mind not only the body through their well crafted words and smiling faces.

What do you do when you are one of the only free men surrounded by those whose mind are enslaved? I hope that eventually we cast off this monster that has our fellow man in its evil grip, once we lose faith in it and return to simple lives we will once again return to the peace and tranquility that we possessed for 1000s of years before we were conquered and put into the prisons in our minds.


I love to see that in the crypto-verse and on Steemit I find so many like minded people that are able to see through all the lies we were once fed as "truth".

Glad you like :) I am sure I will eventually hit on something that will trigger ya though. I am not a great writer or editor but I try.

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