Ways To Sincerely Serve God In Day To Day Life

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While I love sharing some stories from my dear uncle, I will not also fail to share one joke he told me one day. We were in our morning prayers and we read a simple passage from the account of apostle Paul. After We read the persecutions Paul had been carrying out on the Believers, we also read how God converted Paul. In the account of the persecution, there was one thing that was sure, Apostle paul always did whatever he did with commitment and seriousness. He never joked about anything and made sure he caried out his duties to the letter without fear or favor.

So my uncle jokingly hinted that "when God saw paul persrcuting the Christians with so much courage, God quickly realized that If Paul could be so diligent in doing what he was doing to the Christians, then he will also diligently do God's work with with more diligent. So God quickly recruited Him to His army........hahaha

Yea, that is how we should serve God. We should always serve God with all our mind, power, our resources and so on and not to forget to add very sincerely. Sometimes ago I spoke with the great Knight about having an offline steemchurch and he did tell me that if I began that I might not be able to meet the lovely miss "OS"......hahaha. While this may be true, God's people are always happy of the prospect of propagating His Gospel. Youths want to run with the great commision God gave them and spread God's word to every nook and cranny of the world. But even at this, not everyone will go into full time ministry. Several young Christians will definitely want to live the conventially lifestyle of getting married , haing children and living a happy life.

However, we can still do God's will and serve Him diligently irrespective of the way we choose to go in the following ways;

Firstly, despite your busy schedule, always find time to spend quality time with God. There is high need to make out space no matter how busy you are to give God quality worship. Galatians 5 vs 24 -25 says;

And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

We are always living a life of cycles. As a student, I wake up by morning, Have my bath, get to school, come back, try to catch up with assignments and projects, try to study my study materials, fall asleep, wake up and it conitinues but in the midst of all this tight schedules, it is important to find time for God. Even before we jump up from bed, it is good to quickly give God some few minutes for Him to Know that you always recognize and appreciate His loving Kindness.

Secondly, ensure you grow in knowledge and wisdom as it is paramount that we improve on ourselves daily. The Bibles says that it is even better to get wisdom/understanding thatn Gold. Have you ever wondered why? Yea it is because all those other tthings will naturally flow your way. Therefore steemchurch parishioners seek to increase in knowledge and wisdom which can mostly be gotten from the word of God. You've got to learn to prepare for every challenge that might be warming up your way. Have you ever thought of why Jesus defeated satan when He was tempted? It was imply because He was prepared. Therefore always be prepared.

Thirdly, learn to show immense love to others by having a forgiving heart. I witnessed a case some days ago that I wasn't really happy about. Someone did somethig wrong but returned what He stole. However, the person he offended was unhappy about it despite it was returned to Him. Well I don't want to get more elaborate on this matter because most times forgiveness isnt so always easy but we should aways strive to forgeive others when they wrong us. Maybe the scripture below will help soften your heart;

and when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your father in heaven may forgive you your sins.

No matter the form which the forgiveness comes, it is of absolute importance to learn how to forgive.

Thirdly, learn to know that investing in people is one of the best form of investment you can ever think of taking part in. Human developers never suffer or lack anything in their life. Is it peace of mind, is it love, is it joy, is it happiness, is it even wealth at times, yea people who don't think only of theirselves and their families alone but take ample time to build people and help individuals accomplish their goals and set objectives. That's jsut the way it is. When you build people, you are serving God in the most unimaginable way. Learn to love your every single person that was created by God and invest in people.

Fourthly, learn to be hospitable and accomodating. Some people that call themselves Christians who live in fear can be so harsh to strangers. While this is not their faults entirely, it is good that we accomodate people. Sometimes ago I complained to @Sriknight that the number of steemchurch parishioners are too much and the posts are increasing at an exponential rate. I suggested that there should be a particular number of posts every parishioner can post weekly but he said , he loved it like that. I was shocked at how someone can be so accomodating especially to people that he doesn't even know. That's how to live a life. Learn to stretch a helping hand to people and God will surely stretch His towards you.

That's the much I can take today on the topic "Ways To Sincerely Serve God In Day To Day Life".
Thanks For Reading


Thirdly, learn to know that investing in people is one of the best form of investment you can ever think of taking part in. Human developers never suffer or lack anything in their life.

Investing in a personal is one of the greatest gift you can give they will forever share the testimony to other how God used you to change their lives

You are right sir , serving the lord should always be Our major aim in life despite what the enemy will be doing or saying around us
Our lord is very powerful , he does everything according to his wish and he never take control from any man .
He is able to conquar all you iniquities and give you an evalastimg peace.
our lives should be directed towards proclaiming and doing things with all hearts and minds.
When you accept christ in your life you have already made a decision of being with him and working for him.
What you actually do tells us what the lord will definiatelly do for you , the lord has made a clear way and prepare the perfect way for us .

Amen! Great post and sound teaching from start to finish. Amen to the Great Commission. Started when I first believed, still sharing the Greatest news available to mankind 35 years later.
Bless you brother!
Daddy William

"Firstly, despite your busy schedule, always find time to spend quality time with God. There is high need to make out space no matter how busy you are to give God quality worship"
He deserves our all

always create time God, no matter how busy we are, we must create time for him and also have accommodating heart, all these are very important. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Thanks for this message OS

learn to know that investing in people is one of the best form of investment you can ever think of taking part in. Human developers never suffer or lack anything in their life.

The more we have time to impact people's lives through our acts of kindness and preaching of gospel,the better it becomes to run the race and the better it becomes to carry out the commandments of preaching the gospel.

We need a close communion with God

Blessings so it is friend we have to serve God with all our being

We should have an accomodating heart and forgiving spirit,really great advice to all parishioners,so we can avoid squables! Thanks @owoblow-steemit

This part really touched my heart "Learn to stretch a helping hand to people and God will surely stretch His towards you"

forgiveness isnt so always easy but we should aways strive to forgive others when they wrong us.

This is really deep apostle, and true,alot of people look up to you!you are a good role model!

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