The consequences Of Showing Unbelief

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Hello to all steemchurch parishioners and welcome to today's topic titled "The consequences Of Showing Unbelief" . Does showing unbelieve really cost as as believers of Christ?. Yea it sure does . Consider a scenario where God says something good is coming your way and because it looks too good to be true , you show some level of doubt. Doubt and unbelief are brothers and can an often cost us a lot as Christian's .

Infact some people see unbelief as the greatest type of sin there is . Why is that so? Unbelief instead of putting it's faith in the ever living God, puts it's faith in men. Men have the proclivities to fail you by a hundred percent but God never fails on His promises. God is ever reliable and ever dependable and whenever He says something, it never returns to Him void.

Unbelief is also the greatest paralysis to our heart as it goes a long way to destroy the best of us . It is the belief of a lie . It is the plot of the evil ones to at every point/step of the way to battle you with doubt and unbelief because they understand that whoever believes in the promises of God will reap the good of the land recieves heaven best.

What does unbelief do to you as a Christian?, It brings your problems /challenges and circumstances between your and God. And often times when this happens , it makes us turn away our attention from God and makes us lose focus.

Unbelief takes the truth of the promises of God from you and handles it in such a way that it confuses you and twists it in every direction apart from the direction of your maker . The reason why you disobey God's words and promises for your life is because of disobedience and unbelief and this makes us lose a lot in the long run. The book of Mathew chapter 13 vs 57-58 says that;

So they were offended at Him.
But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house.”
58 Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief

This was talking about Christ and His ordeals with His own people. Because Jesus was so humble enough to pass through what every human passes through...the joy of childhood.....having parents and living with people who were created in His image, some persons took it for granted .

They underestimated him and never believed in Him even when it was clearly visible He was different from every child in the community. At age 12 He has started to preach to elders. When you don't have faith, it clearly shows that you are showing a tremendous and enomous range of of unbelief. And once we don't believe the promises of God , it can be very disheartening.

The book of James chapter 1 vs 6-8 says that ;

But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

As a believer of the word of God, there is no point being double minded. Once you have confessed Christ, it means that you believe in the finish works of Christ and that you will guard with all diligence.

From the scripture above, it is obvious that anyone who is unstable in his ways has the prospensity to lose from both sides in the long run. Even as parents or as people who have junior ones, if you notice that one of your junior ones has a very unstable and unstraightforward attitude, there is every tendency that you will not like to associate with that one most often. You won't trust him or her with anything.

It is annoying when someone you are mentoring doesn't even believe in you. That's the scenario between us and God. Anyone who shows unbelief or has the spirit of unbelief as the case maybe will not get anything from God. Yea God must have made promises but if you are showing unbelief then you don't deserve anything from Him.

Lack of unbelief in your maker can lead to severe misery In the long run. Yes , when you put your trust in men instead of God, you refuse to wait for the promises of God to mature and come to pass in your life, it comes to a point you men will fail you and what you will see is misery. The only person we can truly put our mind on is God and His promises because He will never fail. Therefore if you don't want to have a miserable life or live a life of regrets, our all of your trust in God.

Showing unbelief can also make you have lack of discernment when it comes to the Kingdom of God. You no longer hear from God and the things of God no longer make sense to you. What the Holyspirit would have easily shown to you, you won't get to see it and you will keep making wrong decisions.

Showing unbelief can make you have lack of purpose and direction in life. God has planned our lives even before we were born. If we then chose to use our hand to make another design , then we will be planning for failure. God knows our thoughts and therefore the only person that can fully understand us is Him and we need to constantly pay attention to His voice.

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If we want to do away with Unbelief then we got to show faith in the word of God . Faith is the food of unbelief.

That's the much I can take on the topic "The consequences Of Showing Unbelief". Thanks for reading

I remain your ever reliable Apostle ;



Unbelief is one of the tools that devil use to steel away the victory of some people.
Unbelief is a killer of smooth relationship between us and God.
He that doubt God stops Him from proving himself great.
Unbelief is one of the causes of people looking for solutions outside God which at the end of days lead to catastrophic.

He that did not believe did not know God and cannot please Him, because "he that come to him must believe that He's God and a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."

Unbelief is found only where faith does not exist. Where faith is complete and perfect, there can be no disbelief. One thing is doubt and quite another is disbelief, any of us can have a doubt and expose it to God but unbelief makes us believe that God does not exist or that he is not capable of acting in our favor, God bless him brother thanks for sharing .

Lack of unbelief in your maker can lead to severe misery In the long run. Yes , when you put your trust in men instead of God, you refuse to wait for the promises of God to mature and come to pass in your life, it comes to a point you men will fail you and what you will see is misery.

Even the Bible says "that those that put their trust on human desired to be pitied"
"Trust the Lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding"
But we are now in charge of everything even faster than Our maker because we don't believe on his promise.

"Unbelief is criminal because it is a moral act, an act of the whole nature. Belief or unbelief is a test of a man's whole spiritual condition, because it is the whole being, affections, will, conscience, as well as the understanding, which are concerned in it."

God serving is all about believing him.That is why when Jesus comes into connect with helpless and needer person ,He ask do you believe l can Heal or help you?There are so many dangers associated with unbelief let all do away with Apostle @owoblow-steemit has help us by saying "If we want to do away with Unbelief then we got to show faith in the word of God . Faith is the food of unbelief." God bliss you and have a nice day

A stunning message here OS unbelief which I additionally call fickleness, it's the sort of wrongdoing that Abraham's better half Sarah experienced and it about cost them her gifts of a kid, as a Christian we should never permit unbelief in our life as this can slaughter our confidence, Hmmmm your messages are dependably coincise

warm regard


Unbelief is the opposite of faith. When the light goes out, darkness appears to take its place; and having disappeared the light, the dark dominates everything. Unbelief is found only where faith does not exist. Where faith is complete and perfect, there can be no disbelief. One thing is doubt and quite another is disbelief, any of us can have a doubt and expose it to God but unbelief makes us believe that God does not exist or that he is not capable of acting in our favor, God bless him brother thanks for sharing .

An amazing message here OS unbelief which I also call faithlessness, it's the kind of sin that Abraham's wife Sarah suffered from and it nearly cost them her blessings of a child, as a Christian we must never allow unbelief in our life as this can kill our faith, Hmmmm your messages are always coincise

Confidence dependably opposes acting in dread and sits tight for God to work. Confidence is never ready to get something going by venturing out in front of God.

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