Multiplication Of Grace|Knowledge of Grace

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Hello brothers and sister of the Steemchurch.
Welcome to today's topic titled "Multiplication Of Grace.......Grace and Peace Be Multiplied Unto You".

Multiplication Of Grace

The book of second Peter 1 vs 2 said;

Grace and peace be Multiplied Unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord.

Destiny in the kingdom is a function of Grace. Paul once said in 1Corinthians 15 vs 10 that;

But by the grace of God I am what I am......

Your destiny can be enhanced and Multiplied by knowledge. Remember I said destiny is a function of Grace. But grace is not a dormant thing, it is a dynamic substance which is enhanced by knowledge.

Many think that grace is what God gives as He so desire. No! Grace is provoked by knowledge. 2 Peter 1 vs 3 says;

According as His divine power hath given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue.

We are called by destiny to glory and virtue, but it only becomes a reality through knowledge. Knowledge provokes grace and grace enhances destiny. In the scripture above "all things" means whatever life demands. Whatever your spiritual or physical life demands are all provided for, but only becomes available through knowledge.

This Means that your destiny and peace can be Multiplied. These things therefore don't depend on God rather they respond to your acquired knowledge. Job 24 vs 29 says;

When he giveth quitness, who then can make trouble

So when you contact peace, by knowledge you are protected from trouble. This means that knowledge has power to deliver to you all that life will ever demand, as well as all that godliness will ever demand. Knowledge therefore is the material key to the framing of man's destiny. Where you are now, for example is not necessarily where God has put you, it is where knowledge has placed you.


Your destiny is not in the hands of God as it were. It requires your active Cooperation, through knowledge which is what determines your ultimate height on Earth. If you work today, you will rest tomorrow. But if on the other hand go to sleep today, you will wake up the same way.

Whatever happens to you now is a function of the level of knowledge you have acquired. If you acquire a little higher, you will rise a little more and shine a little brighter. It's a law of the Spirit. You know the Bible says in Daniel 11 vs 32

And as such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.

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Talking about the covenant of knowledge, those who mock it will end up with flatteries. But those who sign in for it shall be strong and shall do exploits. You have a level of rest now, but you can acquire a greater level of rest if a greater depth of knowledge is acquired. I welcome to the dominion of rest in Jesus name.

Whatever your life demands is obtainable by knowledge. May you contact it!. More of knowledge determines more of anything that such knowledge communicates - peace , success, health, protection and so on. We are a people of equal destiny. Each one determines where he stops. God does not love anyone person more than the others. We are all equally the beloved of God. How much of that love you can appropriate is determined by knowledge. Roman's 8 vs 30 says;

moreover whom he did predestinates, them He also called: them He also justified and whom He justifies , them He also glorified.

Predestination sets the pace for salvation. No one can come unto me except my father in heaven draws him. When one is saved he is at the same time justified by the same blood and destined to be glorified!.

If no salvation is superior to the other, it means no glorification is superior to another. Each one enters into the level of inheritance in which He finds himself by knowledge. Greater knowledge will place you on a greater height of inheritance. 2 Corinthians 3vs 18 says;

But we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory even as by the spirit of the Lord.

While we behold Jesus, while we behold His Word, we are changed from glory to glory not from weakness to weakness or from failure to failure but from glory to glory.

Where do you look for satisfactory progress? In the Word. Proverbs 13 vs 13 says;

Whoso despiseth the word shall be destroyed be he that feareth the commandment Shall be rewarded.


Brethren you don't have any problem, access to the truth is the end of all problems. Hebrew 11 vs 6 says;

...for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarded of them that diligently seek Him.

Do you want to see God in action? See what Luke 1 vs 45 says;

And blessed is she that believed; for there shall be a performance of some things which were told her from the Lord.

When you get to a point of believe, performance comes for you. There is no reward for just doing, rewards come as you believe the word of God concerning that subject in which you desire victory and until you contact it's technicality, nothing works.

Thanks for reading


I've been so blessed by this.
I'm going higher in grace and all my problems are smaller in size.

Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons: freely ye received, freely give.
God bless you @owoblow-steemit

Knowledge is power, even in terms of attracting grace.

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