The Poet's New Clothes

in Freewriters4 years ago



Inside my closet, I reminisce.

That dress made by my hand under my mother's guidance,
this suit carefully and skillfully built to last
and last and last.
Some unworn (those most fantastic).
Graduations, funerals and a wedding.

of hims and hers and thises and thats
of losses and prizes,
triumphs and

once or twice I have stood there to cry.

It's burgeoning now.
Clothes on the floor and stuffed in every cranny.
Over-burdened shelves collapse under their onerous load.
I keep bringing them in by the load,
clothes without loads yet,
madly trying to refresh myself
from the outside in.


Thank you so much for reading my work. I appreciate you all very much.

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All images are my own unless otherwise stated.
This photo is of a piece by the inestimable Lydia Viscardi




And, it would sure be nice to have somewhere nice to go in order to put on some of our fabulous dresses wouldn't it?

Def! This staying at home writing poetry all day is getting old. A party please!

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