
He is definitely cute. Looks like he is just saying "You can't see me!" and blending in.

Get some sleep would ya?

It was nuts, on thursday afternoon, a client I'd been hoping to work with for over a year sprung a project on me... had to stay up till 5 a.m. working on it, I missed my morning meeting and then I made edits on the project till later in the afternoon...

I need that bull to take me away from all this madness 8^]

That's a cute frog. I really like the second picture where it looks like it's just sitting and resting its head on its hands and thinking about whatever little frogs dream about. Very whimsical picture. Or maybe I'm just in a whimsical mood... nah. The frog is daydreaming.

hey man it's been awhile
I have also been quite busy in my work, the arm pain has returned a little and I can not spend so much time on the computer
I hope your clients allow you to recover your sleep this weekend

The truth @overkillcoin? is that you have given me a fright (now I can not take any for my heart), with her or him, how do you know what sex they are? Miss or Mr.? I'm lost but I think I will not find out the name either because I'll only run like never before to avoid seeing it.
As long as possible, it continues to be published, we can not faint even if one wants to.
Have a beautiful day darling!

It was small and harmless, a friend to all except if you're a six-legged insect :D

What a cool looking frog! A think it might be a Mossback Moonbeam... a sign of prosperity for sure!

Bullfrogs!! 🐸🐸🐸
Better than no bulls at all! 😄

You definitely need talent to take pictures so good besides a good camera! For a moment I thought that Frog was lying because the texture of his skin was similar to that of the rock lol

That's Kermit.. where's my painfully small upvote lol

Mannnnn, so unoriginal. You deserve a small upvote after THAT XD

There, I put you over the dust threshold. Two, two painfully small upvotes! Ah, ah, ah!

El color de esa Rana es increible como se logran camuflar para poder escapar de los depredadores @overkillcoin

That frog is AWESOME!!

Definitely brightened my day a bit. The sun's out now, so Froglet must be hiding somewheres :D

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