Introducing "Dolphin for a Week"steemCreated with Sketch.

in #minnows6 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: Introducing "Dolphin for a Week"


I hope you can make it your goal (2-5 years) to someday be able to spend your work days working on projects you enjoy with/for people you enjoy and you can make enough money to pay your bills and even put some in Savings - here's hoping Steemit can be a big part of that!

I think if Steemit was above 10 long term (at the current level of support I have) I could do it - it might not be too far off...

i love dolphin n also thanks for god n crazy news.😊

So sorry to hear about your continuing struggles. I'm a freelancer myself and I deal with the same issues from crappy corporate clients. I know you are a perfectionist and that you put a lot of pressure on yourself. I hope you realize that you are not alone and that we all go though those issues although I know your posts take much more time and effort than most people's. The platform will always be here and your followers will too so do what you have to do without FOMO (I learned this term from @overkillcoin!). Don't beat yourself up any more... just send us a postcard every now and then... whatever you choose to share will be fantastic!

@otage yeah, it's lame and silly... On the other hand, I've already had a spike in work in the past 24 hours... But... the way these businesses usually conduct themselves is pretty gut-wrenching... Still trying to pry payment from this donkey company for a project I finished in December...

I'm thinking, at first, I'm going to try a new steem cycle:

  1. No posting day, catch up on comments, maybe chat
  2. Simple post
  3. Cooler post

See if I can manage that. If not, every other day can be an off-day.

Yeah waiting for payment is ridiculous. I feel like clients are using me as an interest free loan. Look forward to seeing what you post - cool or not : )

This is a bold move and a unique idea since I've never seen anyone else do something like this on here. I'm sure you came to these conclusions after thinking about it for a bit and also after finding the right minnows to lend your SP to. I hope the minnows that get your delegation make a post about their experiences afterwards.

I'm pretty sure I'll lose votes, but at least I'll be staying in the loop and providing a valuable service for FREE!

Earned a ton of respect for you here. Great initiative @overkillcoin! Here's to hoping this will give you time to finish that spam rant animation haha

Thanks @cabernet, I don't know what huge difference it will make, but it's the best I can do :D

Yes, that spam animation is my "White Whale", if you're familiar with the term... spent a lot of time with those silly gifs and I could have been making progress on the animation instead :-/

I think that limiting my SP/voting power will be hefty encouragement in getting a better structured plan in place. I'm happy to share, but it's like going from a car to a bicycle. I'll probably be on 'light mode' for a number of weeks, but I'd like to have some kind of strategy in mind :)

I have been reading your blogs for a while because you have really nice passion and know that you take hours to put your work here.
I do the same, it takes few hours to make each blog so I felt close to you.
You have been burning yourself out for putting perfect post every time, and now you set new goal. I am not popular like you YET! but I should think about set similar goals like you do :) I'm getting little overwhelmed recently...

Thanks so much! I think you have all the ingredients for popularity, it's just time and patience... :)

Yes, have you thought - how is it possible to take short cuts - but it's very difficult!

Take it slower, maybe I can inspire others not to stress so much, I was one of those stressed out people very recently :)

Rest! You're a good guy on the blockchain. Your followers will understand!

I think your decision is a good one, and preventing yourself from a burnout is a good call. Only You know what you need and I'm sure we all love you enough to always keep following you no matter what. Well I'm speaking for myself 😁😁lol
Great thing you do for others and it's important to take care of yourself to.
Stay just as you are my friend. Cheers!

@saffisara thanks for understanding, it's just a crazy mix of things. My usual work either starves me to death or buries me in projects I can barely keep up with... It's messed up!

I might post every other day or something... Today I'm just going to focus catching up on yesterday;s comments.

Glad you stopped by! :D

I understand that must be exhausting dear.
Seems like your usual work is draining you and puts to much on your plate 😝 bleh..
Preventing you from doing what you really want and love.
You need to think of yourself and find a balance that works for You!
Just know that it is allowed to take a breath and break and do what you can or want and leave the rest for another day.
Get the stress to fly out the window.
Have a wonderful evening and be safe. Cheers!

You keep making great decissions in regards to selfreflection. Good on you man. But no asking, begging or groveling ?! Fuck I’m out ...

Seriously though, Really big of you to delegate while you take some much needed rest and think things over.

Don’t be a stranger though. I’d hate to miss our friendly banter.

Hi @eqko and thanks for your comment!

I figure by delegating SP for a while, the delegates can do "my" curation, that recovers some time for me ☺

I recommended you for a logo project, but the particular guy insisted on having me do it... boy was he sorry in the end ☺ ☺ ☺

Thanks anyway for thinking of me man. Rest up and hurry back when you are 😉

Really it's a bold step for you to take in fact people do not really want to do the right thing because it may endanger their earnings but you certainly will go on.
For a dolphin you have truly been doing well, and I can tell you, I've followed you because your works here are amazing buddy.
I'm glad I made the right call, and, goodluck buddy

Thanks for understanding @josediccus ! :D

What a crazy balancing act... Love for the blockchain vs Hatred for the Rat Race :D

wow, this actually got my feet off the ground. He has never covert his earning into fiat what a great heart. I think many other people like me for example would have love to do such a thing too. But the low earning as a minnows is discouraging and annoying. That is my i myself and some other people have create a community project on. "The silent tears of the minnows. I believe this community will be ready to compite for this one day dolphin challenge to help other minnows too

You could easily say I've put way more into the platform than I've ever taken out. I've invested a lot here! I'm part of why the steem price is around $3.45 instead of $1 haha...

But yes I care about the minnows. There needs to be more of my kind, there are far too few I think...

Yes, i will keep you updated about the project on. "Silent Tears Of Minnows**

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