K, Mister Apple, Terra Down THE ist Wall

in #memoirs5 years ago

I would like to talk a little bit about my life if you would like to have squiz;

The best thing about Melbourne is its parks; the grafitti as you come up to Richmond station from the South is also fantastic; at least last time I went.

What I love is that's like New York from Ghostbusters; that's why I loved 1984 Ghostbusters so much as a child.

Elizabeth Street is also the Queen of Streets; she has JB Hi-Fi on her and is near the Christian RE centre and also the Buddhist centre. They're all neighbours in my town.

Chinatown is okay, but I've only been to Mrs Parma's in 2009 to eat there, and that's very like Cauca-Aussie.

I love Chinese food, you can eat all kinds of different stuffs and its all okay. Japanese is very clean and tender and good, but one is a bit more precarious, more out of the preparation of it than anything else.

What is English food? I used to buy cans of mushy peas at the CCU, and I'd eat them sometimes cold from the can.

Refried beans, mexican food. Stacey H (R) introduced me to refried beans and that was another staple of mine in psych rehab. It's good to remember that people care about you, or did at one point. Remember C.S. Lewis, God is forever picturing still frames of your life. And remember Rabbi Daniel Lapin, life is a movie, not a still frame.

I like sweet things, good for sadness is small doses. At Fire Church Frank Pop would give a great basket of candy to all the kids. And I'd get one often too. John K gave me one of his white chocolate lemon things once, and once a child gave me heaps and heaps of turkish delight pick and mix (which in Australia is in tall Babel like packets called "Favourites") I think it was James MC who said "NO ONE does that, give all the turkish delights away!"