Two series of Anime that you'll love

in #blog5 years ago (edited)



Hey there my dear readers, I know that I had time without publishing but it was because I was busy in college, I left school late and the hospital every day is more chaotic, but that is not the story that I come to tell you.

Today I want to dedicate a short but special section, two series of anime that in my free time and on vacation I had a chance of watched it a complete (it often happens to me that I start them but not finish them).

Sakura Card Captor


I love this anime because it is about a girl who has to capture some cards, but they are not any kind of cards. THEY ARE MAGIC! with special powers, with abilities and each one is related to the elements of nature.

This series full of action and mysteries was very entertaining, because in addition many of the cards were transformed into something similar to humans but with very nice aspects, so all cute and beautiful, which seemed the perfect touch to keep the feminine in those battles that were presented without losing the action scenes of by means.

Fullmetal Alchemist


This anime although it is very bloody, I find it very entertaining for the aspect of uniting the mysterious, the magical with science, the elements, living organisms that are composed of many things, all that seems surprising, attractive and as if it were fiction, but many of the things shown in this series is based on reality, because living organisms are composed of a huge number of elements that together create life.

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