Shingeki No Kyojin an anime series that you won't regret to watch

in #blog5 years ago (edited)


Hey there my dear readers, today I bring you a series of Anime that was very shocking to me, for its levels of aggression, endless battles, betrayals between friends, grotesque creatures and everything, that the most surprising was that I could not stop seeing it, I needed after each chapter to see the next one to find out what was happening, it is something strange to explain because even if it was a very violent, exaggeratedly aggressive series, it has a story that surrounds easily, it generates a lot of curiosity to want to watch it.

With its original name:

Shingeki No Kyojin

I am trying with all my effort not to be a bad writer revealing the events in advance, so I will try to summarize the story so you do not feel that reading all this I am taking away the emotion of the series.


An unknown world, where the people of a country are inside walls, they protect them from giant creatures that devour humans, but an accident happens where one of these creatures (known as titans) manages to break the main wall and all cross the defenses human, causing death, chaos and despair. But the problem is that it is not known how this could happen, because in 300 years it was the first time that it was possible to break some of the defenses created, which is something unknown because nobody knows the way in which they were formed.


This group of brave young people will be in charge of discovering that mystery, besides that there are many things that nobody knew and because of this attack they begin to reveal, this series promises that you will be totally involved, their animations are very good, the dialogue is great and their characters are unique.

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