Achievement 3 by @osmnsaed Task: Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)

ac 3.png

Hy there steemians !

I hope y'all are doin' great in yo life. This is my 3rd Task related to Achievement posts.
Today we finna learn about 2 things

  1. Plagiarism

  2. Content etiquette


What is plagiarism
Plagiarism is copying someone else content and making it look like it's yours and gettin' credit over it
such an imposter move ain't it

Types of Plagiarism
There are 7 common types of plagiarism



Direct plagiarism
It occurs when someone copies someone else's content as it is and try to pretend that's its there content
when all they did was ctrl+c ctrl+v

Self plagiarism
It occurs when someone uses the part of their previous work from some other project and doesn't cite it

Mosaic plagiarism
This one is lil difficult to detect as it interlays someone else works within one's own research work, quite dishonest it is.

Paraphrasing plagiarism
This happens when someone rewrites someone else's content with new words and grammatical changes
yes you changed the words but you stole the idea
such a sneaky way to steal content ain't it

Complete plagiarism
Submitting someone else's content and pretending it's yours

Verbatim Plagiarism
it occurs when someone uses a quote without putting in commas and giving no credits

How not to be a plagiarist
whenever posting something give credit and not just put it like "it's from Xyz" instead give proper link whether it's a quotation or picture make sure the credit goes where its due.

What to and what not to post on Steemit?
As we all know steemit is an open social platform that embraces any type of legal and appropriate content ranging from yo daily life to yo personal thoughts to yo experiences and whatever you'd like to share with other steemians as long as it is created by the one who is posting and it is not offensive to anyone out there. basically one can post anything like photography, artwork, blogs, ideas, etc. as long as it is according to the community guidelines

Few words on "Brain of Proof" concept
Steem is a blockchain-based social media platform and with your content, you earn Steem which has real value
Basically, we here get value by using our brain so one should use their own to earn their steem token because it is very unethical to earn something on someone else's effort it's more like stealing so issa big NO.
Be creative and create yo own content

Why we need to give credit to our sources
It is so important to give credit because it keeps our content original and gives credit where it's due.
If one doesn't give credit it's fraud aka PLAGIARISM and that is the death of content creators.




Why one should Cite a source anyway?

Citing makes your content or blog more authentic and shows that the homework on that topic is properly done and leads the reader to the original source so the reader can learn more about that topic or check the authenticity of the source moreover citing helps readers to connect with the one whose w, words or idea it was really metaphorically we can say citing is like creating a bridge and there's no harm in creating a proper bridge so the readers don't drown into the realm of false and inauthentic information.
Example of citation

Headstand is one of the best yoga poses from my personal experience.
"Headstand benefits include increasing focus. When you turn upside down, you are increasing the blood flow to your brain. This can help to improve mental function and increase your sense of focus. Along with helping to reduce fear and worry, this posture will improve your ability to keep your mind sharp and clear." source
"Hair loss can be caused by bad blood circulation in the scalp, and headstands increase blood flow to that area. While there's no scientific evidence on the matter, some yogis say that it will even convert grey hair back to its natural color!" source

In above-given example

Headstand is one of the best yoga poses from my personal experience.

This is the original text I am stating because of my personal experience.

Next, I have copied and pasted from an article I read on the website about a headstand. I put it between commas because I am not the author of it, and its someone else and I also gave the source if someone wanna read more or check the authenticity of it

"Headstand benefits include increasing focus. When you turn upside down, you are increasing the blood flow to your brain. This can help to improve mental function and increase your sense of focus. Along with helping to reduce fear and worry, this posture will improve your ability to keep your mind sharp and clear." source

I used two references articles from two different websites so I stated them separately and gave sources of both

"Hair loss can be caused by bad blood circulation in the scalp, and headstands increase blood flow to that area. While there's no scientific evidence on the matter, some yogis say that it will even convert grey hair back to its natural color!" source

If you were to click on the links given next to the quote it will take you to the original websites where I got it from. This adds value and increases the authenticity of your article

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"


Please put an example of citation method to your post.

 2 years ago 

Done and thanks for helping

You have successfully completed achievement 3 on content etiquette. I hope that you practice these learnings in future.


 2 years ago 

I am! thanks for the kind words tho

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