in #loveitshoveit6 years ago (edited)

Hello beautiful Steemians. I hope you all are doing great at the moment. I'm sure you are. Ok so I've been seeing this challenge all over the place and even my friend @yungchief and @seunnla nominated me but I really didn't take it to heart, Till I woke up this morning and booommmm I suddenly picked interest and decided to get in the act too #smiles.

This challenge is called # LOVE IT-SHOVE IT and was organized by @snowpea. This in simple English means Likes/Dislikes, and the purpose is mainly to get to know eachother the more. I must say this is one fantastic kind of challenge. Shout out to @papa-pepper who threw this open the more.

The rules of this challenge are actually very simple and it goes thus:

•List five things that you Love

•List five things that you Dislike

•Use the tag #loveitshoveit

•Nominate whoever you want.

As simple as that.

Now let me take you round my world. #winks



Yes, I said it. I really love smiling. I've been like this all my life but I didn't really notice until I got to the University when everyone was always commending me and telling me how they love to always be around me because of my pretty smiles. #shy But really, I find joy smiling. Apart from the fact that it makes me look more beautiful and healthier, I love it when people smile back at me and tell me my smile can bring back the dead to life. Hahahahahahah someone actually said that to me sometime ago. Let me add too that I love to laugh out loud. If you take me to a comedy show, you might be embarrassed with my kind of laughter. Heeheheheheheheh

Yaaaaayyyy dancing too is in-born, I guess. I love good music and I love to shake to it. I remember my Mum once said I've been like that since I was little, around age 3. She said anywhere I heard a danceable song, I'll always want to be there, and people around will be wondering what's wrong with me. Lol. That has been part of me and I grew up loving it. Not that I am such a good dancer anyway but anyhow it comes, I give it. Yes!

Ok.... Well I love good food, and for that reason, I love to cook. Cooking can be so tiring atimes, yes I know, but I enjoy it when I'm making any food. Especially when the ingredients are complete and I decide to arrange it before cooking. Good food is good mehn and cooking to me, is a thing of the heart. Yes, I love cooking.

This sound kind of weird. Awwww I know right?... Not many people love ironing, especially the stress that comes with it. But as for me, I hate going out with a rumpled dress. So I just had to love it. I remember there was a day I told my Dad to start paying me #500 per cloth I ironed for him. Heheehehehe. My Dad was like.... Even Dangote will not pay #500 per shirt. Lol. If you want to iron your cloth, just come with your money. Lol.

Lastly I love watching movies. I really don't have much to say about that. Awwww sorry. I just realized I love it. It gives me so much joy and there are so many lessons to be learnt in movies that makes me feel alive again. Personally I love Yoruba movies, yesssssssss I do. Especially the ones that Odunlade Adekola is the lead role. Lol. Well I watch other movies too anyway. So don't criticize me yet. Lol


Oh my God. I so dislike people lying to me. I love people being so real. Why will you want to lie to me in the first place? Its not that I'll beat you for it. Just be real. My kind of background makes me so real at all times. My Mum can beat the hell out of anyone that lies around her. I guess that's where I got it from too. Believe it or not, I do not lie. For any reason. I can exaggerate some things sometimes but not totally lying about it. So also do I hate it when someone isn't being truthful. Its really very bad to lie, I must say.

It is said that Pride leads to destruction. That's very true. Being proud is different from being Confident. Many people mix it up. Being proud, to me, means that you're too full of yourself. Saying what you're not, or even if you are that big, you don't have to brag about it. Be HUMBLE

Well I know its good and normal for someone to do something out of a clear mind without expecting anyone to say 'Thank you'. True. But this is me, if you will agree with me, its really not nice when you do a whole lot of things for someone and no one gets to appreciate you. Or they even rebuke you for little mistakes. It really pisses me off. A simple "Thank you" goes a long way for me, its a kind of encouragement to do more. Well, that it.

Lol... Yes, I meant sitting for so long. Sometimes I feel like I have a tail behind me. When I'm anywhere, I love to move around. Sometimes when I'm watching any movie, I just always caught myself standing to watch. I really cannot explain the reason for this. Please help me if you know the reason. #shy

Wow, lastly I'll like you to know that I dislike been misunderstood and then quarreling about little things. It breaks my heart so much. Especially when the person in question is a friend and/or family member I love so much. I really do not like issues. Most times when some gets angry with me, I just cry, like literally cry out years from my eyes. Its really heart breaking for someone not to understand me and ends up shouting at me and even walking out on me. No, my heart is so fragile. I can't take it.

Yes, thank you so much for going through this journey with me. I hope you now know me better, with what I love and what I don't love. There are more beautiful things about me anyway. Meet me in camera if you want to know #smiles

Now I nominate @pouchon @d-pend @olanrewaju @oluwoleolaide @bob-elr @dine77 @beanz @ace108 @salimberry @geoffery @slickwilly @shikika @drakos @nelluprecy @sumsum007 @meherin @rocky1 to do this too. It will be my pleasure to know you more. Thank you.

Thanks so much for reading...
Till I come your way next time...
I remain your sugar lovey dovey @oredebby


Owww lies sha,, dat shit hurts me badt like hell u beter kill me dan lie.

Yeaaa its really bad and its hurts

You didn't add laughing 😂 😂 😂 under 'loves'

Oya rewind and read again. Under smiling. Lol

Very nice post debby

You didnt include commenting on every group on WhatsApp😀

Hahahahahahhaahah maamiiii Lol

I love smiling. 😀😀😀
Thank you for the nomination. 😀

Awwwnnn you're welcome honey

Av got zero chills for pride 2

Yea... Pride is a really bad thing

hehe, I love smiling too

Thats beautiful

Great post! Very well written! I appreciate you joining our discord!

Awwwww thank you so so much @dynamicgreentk
Thank you

that smile of yours can help brighten people's day.. keep smiling =)

I love your post!
and respect to jeaniepearl, who brings out the best in all of us!?

Wowwww thank you so very much Sir @surfyogi You're super amazing. Love you loadsssss.. Thank youuuuuuu

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