
Thanks - there's a large amount of scientific data that has been buried regarding wifi and related technology - I also know of other engineers and specialists who have spoken out. Let's keep this going!

Not to mention the other creatures of this planet that we are so dependent upon for our own species' survival. My neighbor, who is a few years older than me, and I discuss daily the effects of modern technology on birds, bees and other creatures that help the flora and fauna survive.

It is a scientific fact that there is something wrong with brother bee. They are not acting properly. Also animals that are believed to do their migrations based on the magnetic signals of the earth, are mixed up in some areas of the world.

I am not sure what will get us first—global warming or unbridled, unregulated technology.

...promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of ...

The same folks in my Country that are so patriotic and love to quote this document (the US Constitution), I believe have never read the portion I have shared above.

They talk more about deregulation of companies and the importance of a robust economy without taking into consideration that dumping manufacturing waste into our water sources, unregulated technological advances will be bad for the general Welfare of both ourselves and our posterity (coming generations).

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