We Are The Salt To Lose Our Value~~Let's Shine In The World To Glorify Our Living God !!!

in Christian Fellowship4 years ago (edited)


Beloved, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, our bodies are like "the precious salt" that we always consume, very valuable to us in the sense that when it is lacking in food, the food become tasteless. But, a time will come that these our bodies like salt will become valueless in the sense that they will die and be buried in the Earth for decomposition. The bodies will serve no purpose at that moment of malfunctioning. We shall lose our taste as salt one day, our bodies would not be needed again, since we have destroyed, our work on this Earth have come to an end, and we will not be part of the living. But the state in which our souls will be when our bodies have been thrown away like a salt is what we have to think about. A time will come that all our flesh will be perished that perishable vegetables, and the decaying organism will begin to cause the decomposition. Jesus narrated this story to the Disciple and He was admonishing them to use their time judiciously to shine the World.

Matthew 5:13 (NIV)

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot."

But if we let our light shine in this World, brightening all corners of the World, our souls will be given a very peaceful and comfortable place permanently. To restore the taste of these salts or their value, the we need to let our taste reflect in our neighbors lives. We need to let our good works shine on them. We need to let them benefit from us. Our lives should not be shield or neither we allow darkness to overcome them, but we should position ourselves for everybody to see these good works that we are doing. The light that we shine in the World are the seeds of righteousness. Those who show up in righteousness do not hide, but they place themselves for everybody to see the good things that they are doing. Out fruit or seed of righteousness may be kindness, love, unity, peace, motivation, obedience to God's word, charity work and sympathy. So, Jesus said, we should let our light shine to all people so that it will glorify our Almighty God.



Matthew 5:14-16

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

A time will come that we may not remain here on the Earth, but God will give us a better place even more than this our Earthly home that we are living now. If this will happen, then we have leave traces of good works while still living. We have to let our light shine in anything that we are doing. Every place that we find ourselves, not in our congregation or in our Christian fellowship alone. In our work places, stations, buses, and even our Steem Blockchain, we should respect one another as we do the same to our fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters.



Nice post @oppongk to encourage the "children of light" to shine into the world around them. For the praise and glory of Him who died for us!

Thanks very much @roleerob


a. You are the salt of the earth: Disciples are like salt because they are precious. In Jesus’ day, salt was a valued commodity. Roman soldiers were sometimes paid with salt, giving rise to the phrase “worth his salt.”

b. You are the salt of the earth: Disciples are like salt because they have a preserving influence. Salt was used to preserve meats and to slow decay. Christians should have a preserving influence on their culture.

d. If the salt loses its flavor…it is then good for nothing: Salt must keep its “saltiness” to be of any value. When it is no good as salt, it is trampled under foot. In the same way, too many Christians lose their “flavor” and become good for nothing.

i. “Most salt in the ancient world derived from salt marshes or the like, rather than by evaporation of salt water, and therefore contained many impurities. The actual salt, being more soluble than the impurities, could be leached out, leaving a residue so dilute it was of little worth.” (Carson)

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