Steem Jet Promotion Trails

in OCD5 years ago


Hi guys, Brothers and Sisters of Steem, Steem lovers and Investors, all Steem protocol observed, Steem advocates and ambassadors in Steem ecosystem. It obviously works when we team up and work together as a cooperate body with one vision and a common goal. It is greatly effective and infectious to see Steem well promoted when we work together and eliminate selfish gains. Even selfishness leads to boredomsome and tiredness since one person finds it difficult to build a nation, that's everybody is contributor of nation building. Steem is like nation, since communities are block of chains that fuse together to form a nation, and many nations build up to become the World. Then, because our vissions are enormous and giant, we shall say we are building the World of blocks. The blocks that give the real multipurpose of works and values to many members. The World of Steem blockchain that opens many opportunities and avenues of freedom from the the World suffering and binding forces from polical power drunk, censorship and supressions. In reality, Steem blockchain is seeking better future for many people, but since the beginning of everything starts from a gradual and slow pace most of us don't see the brightest side of it. Most people are looking the quick and huge response of steem price so that can quickly be remove from the difficulties of life. But is build with strong mutual cooperation which encompasses everyone's contribution to effect it to climb higher and higher.

Enough from my intro, let's focus on the main agenda to see how possibly we can help Steem to grow. What is "Steem jet, and how does is become a promtion trail?" I think these are common terms often used in Steem here, but maybe I may tackle it from different angle, all the same it might sound the same idea for you. Well, a jet as you know is a space object like aircraft that flies with a fast speed to get to its destination. On the other hand, a trail is a route or path which one must follow to get to where he wants to be. Put these explanations together, I want to mean mean: "ways by which steem can be promoted at very fast speed, or how we can help promote Steem like a jet that locomote with high velocity." This is an idea I want to launch which sounds like the channels in which steem can be promoted. I need everyone's support since Steem is all about collaboration, supporting ourselves. 2020 is a year of promoting steem blockchain to see the real value of it. It is always good and very supportive for steemians to come out with a project proposal or initiative that can help build steem. Many Steemians are already on course promoting steem, it is by our support that we can push steem to where everybody gaze at and expect steem to reach. So far so good, thanks to @theycallmedan and @acidyo and his community @ocd for greatly promoting steem on twitter. We see twitter very busy with steemians with many on-boarding strategies. Along side with this many steem awareness to push at a go has been going with the support from @theycallmedan. Lovely community to strengthen at promo-steem has been launched by @acidyo, that is @ocd-hive to push steem to the higer mountains and effect growth. There are all indications that shows that we are really, really doing well to help steem grow this 2020. Steem proposal system is also ongoing and it is our call duties to submit our proposal of any initiative that we think it can help steem to move forward. Well, if a proposal is not all that relevant that doesn't hurt too much since we're helping to make head-way how steem can be a better and lovely place for even those who aren't in our company. Could it be possibly to introduce something unique or different or let say more advanced form to effect the growth of steem? Though we are all promoting steem in diverse ways, but I don't think is OK for steem, since ideas or imagination can't be exhausted. Because last year, steem wasn't promoted like this year, maybe our promotional methods or mechanisms were soft, that's why we have advanced them. Early last year, @sbdpotato wasn't launched but had it launched and support strongly this 2020. I'm either thinking if there are "clear path or channels that steem can be promoted at fastest speed than any other social media.* That comes with the idea *"Steem Jet Promotion Trail." This is just a proposal I'm I want to submit if Steemit, Inc. and various @promo-steem Communities would accept. I have been following a lot of promtional posts and comments from many people, and sounds great that everybody has many ideas about how steem can be pushed forward.

We would ask how did FaceBook, Twitter, YouTube other social media got large number of people? They are't better than steem, it therefore took time before they catched up with people loving their platform. In those days, there wasn't much competitions compare to currently. Steem will also climb to the top even surpassing FaceBook if really work hard. We want everybody in steem blockchain to speed up in his/her promotional methods or strategies with the good channels that we can get more attention for massive adoption of steem. I want steem jet promotion trail to be a second supportive project for @promo-steem. The message of our promotion methods should reach to our target groups daily. This can be done in the form of prospecting friends on every channels, places, media, roads, stations, buses any places we can get these people get the message about steem awareness. The message should be smark, precised, short and concised in order not to get your members bored with your message of steem promotion. It can be text,short video message, steem complimentary cards, design carrying some message about steem. Since that more people on social media now, get these people informed on your social media tool. Remember, since it is steem jet promotion trail it must carry a message of speed that is very attractive to pull these people into steem blockchain. Steem is built with people so the real value of steem would be on-boarding masses of people. I don't know if this proposal would need some modification, suggestion or recommendations. Any contribution of how this title and actions taken should be is welcomed. I'm really looking about how steem can get promoted. I believe @acidyo, the entire team of @ocd and @theycallmedan would look into this proposal, if there ia any addition or obmission to be done. I highly respect every steemian suggetion, as far as we are all contributing to the success of steem.

I finally thank all and sundry in Steemit, Inc., all the Steemit team and the individual Steemians for your immense support for me in diverse ways.

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