in #steemchurch5 years ago (edited)

Ephesians 5:16-20 (NIV)

"making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."

Brothers and Sisters of SteemChurch, we can be be hundred percent work effectively in the Lord if we are fully filled with the Holy Spirit. One of the essence of Christians striving for the Holy Spirit is to strengthens them to be able to execute their services in the Lord.

Jesus Christ promised us to leave us with the Holy Spirit when He was departing us to Heaven. Lo and behold, when He left us with some few days the Disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit. This Holy Spirit strengthened and guided them to work to perfection. So one could infer that the importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives is to strengthens us and to guide us to be able to work for the Lord our God.

The Holy Spirit keeps us on track, it keeps us focus on the Lord our God of what services we are rendering for him as Christians. That is why the Book of the Ephesians explains that we should make the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil(Ephesians 5:16). The devil is always around pushing us to the wall, tempting us and traping us, so that he can catch us in his trap. The devil wants to destroy the relationship between us and our Lord God, but when the Holy Spirit is in a guide or in control, it become difficult for the devil to operate between us. So the Book of Ephesians admonishes and encourage us to be extra careful and vigilant, so that we do not act foolishly for the devil to get us.

We should know the will of God. This emphasis from the Book of Ephesians is about staying in Holy life, being righteous. Since that the only way we can escape from being trapped by the devil. Again, the Book of Ephesians said we shouldn't get drunk in wine. If we drink we lose control of ourselves and unnecessary things. Though, there are many sinful activities that the Book of Ephesians could have mentioned, but the one which psychologically put our minds off from normal is drunkeness. At such, Christians should be careful about drinking.

When we are Spirit filled, we always praise God, we glorify the name of our Lord God. Some of the glorification is what the Book of Ephesians adduced above; singing hymns and Spiritual songs that boost the Spirit of God. How many times do we praise God that He deserves praises? If we the Holy Spirit come upon us we shall do greater things as Jesus Christ confirmed when He was with them. But the Holy Spirit cannot be with us whiles we still live with sins, that is why the Bible mentioned we should be vigilant in those acts that will drive away the Holy Spirit coming to stay with us. Let us check our lives if we have things that will not enable the Holy Spirit coming to stay with us. The Holy Spirit is around us, since Jesus Christ promised us to send him to come and stay with us. So it is up to us to allow him operate in our lives. Thank you Brothers and Sister for allowing yourself for the Holy Spirit to take control of your life, I hope your lives will never be the same as it was sometime ago, Amen!

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