You shouldn't be in dark for anything

in HeartChurch3 years ago


In sometimes, people undergo some things in their lives in which they should which they can't even give answers for. For instance, you could discover that as a Christian, you seem to be undergoing a certain kind of problem or discomfort that didn't go away. You might have been praying, rebuking the pain, and even scold the devil, but no solution and you are wondering what the problem could be. Check your spirit for the answer.

As a child of God, we shouldn't ever be in the dark for anything. You can know all things only if you would do what the Bible says. Speak in tongues and you would have the answers from your spirit; your inner man. Before you know, the reason for that situation you are will be revealed to you. Jesus said, anyone that follow Him shall not walk in darkness, he would rather have the light of life” (John 8:12). You shouldn't be in darkness about your personal life, your health status, business, your career, your ministry or any part of your life. God's light shines your spirit.

Proverbs 20:27 says Man's spirit is the candle of the Lord, looking for all the inward parts of the belly. If you have problem about your finances or about something you have no idea of, all you need is to speak in tongues. Don’t just run to the medical doctors or any place that you think you can find help. Look up to the Holy Ghost first; you will be surprised on how instant His light and wisdom will rise up for you, they would let know what to do precisely.

Holy Spirit is there for you, He is always there to help you have idea on some certain things about your personality and concerning your life. He will let you know the future and lead you to take some steps in accordance with His plans for you. With Holy Spirit communication, you'll know what to do and what you don't need to do, you'll know what is the next thing or next step to take.

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