You have nothing to struggle with

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Psalm 138:8 should give you no limitation confidence in life, because it shows that your future is save. In case you don't it, think about the fact that the Lord Himself is the One that perfects all that concerns you! So, you have nothing to worry about. I was so delighted to make this discovery as a young man many years back. It made me discover that my future was secure. He that owns everyday perfects my life and all that concerns me.

Make that your everyday confession. Acts 14:17 interpret that Lord gives us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons; He satisfies our heart with nourishment and happiness. Trust God with your life. Because you don't know what tomorrow brings; life is full of ups and downs.” Don’t doubt like that! Your tomorrow is already settled. In the book Jeremiah 29:11, He said, “I know Always what I think about you, saith the LORD, it's a thoughts of peace, and not thought of evil, to give you the ens you expected.”

There’s an anticipated end; the scripture has already been written: you will be a Victor forever! You have already won, because all things in life has been set in place for your advantage (Romans 8:28). You should notice how the Lord boast about your invincibility In Isaiah 54:17, and the fact that you don't have anything to fear. He said, “…No weapon gathered against me shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment shalt condemn….” Your life is for the glory of God. Nothing in this world can win you or put you under them.

You don't have anything to struggle with, or try to surmount you, because you have win in Christ already; don't try to think otherwise. Don't let the your situation rob off your joy from you, your fulfilment and peace are intact. Peace is a aftercome of trust, and trust is a product of knowledge. This is the reason wag you have to know the Lord for yourself in a personal way, by study and meditation on the Word of God.

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