World that's more greater than here

in HeartChurch3 years ago


There is a spiritual world which is much more greater than this world we can see. The physical world I mean is a region or part of the spirit world. The Bible says God is a Spirit, and He made everything; it mean that there is a spirit connected to all things that God made. There is nothing that's joined from Him. In the spiritua realm, He made a region for the physical man, even though man himself is a spirit being.

God gave we human being a physical body so as to live inside it; in the physical region of His spiritual world. Earth isn't a separate entity from realm of God. Recall Genesis 1:2, where the Holy Bible says the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. The Spirit of God raise over the shambolic mass, whiit simply mean that the earth was within the coverage or the Spirit, and still controlled by the Spirit. Because many people don't realise this fact, and because they never understood the essence of it, they limit their lives to the region of this wicked world.

Many people don’t realise that there is a greater play in the spirit of this world. For every one of us that are born again Christian, we are told to walk in Spirit by the Bible. You may ask how you can walk in the Spirit? If you are to walk in the Spirit, you are to walk in the light of the Word of God; walk according to principles of His kingdom. Have the consciousness of heavenly realms, have it in mind that you live in the real and you are from another realm which is heavenly realm and it's greater than this world.

That consciousness will put you over the bad elements, frustrations, failures, darkness and lost of integrity in this physical world. We live in two worlds. But most people are only conscious of the physical realm; the realm they could only see. This is why some people go through pain and distress; being a victims of difficulties, illness, because they are unable to control life from their own spirit. The Bible says you are in the world, but you didn't belong to the world.

You are born after Lord Jesus Christ, the man that is from heaven; you have the image of the heavenly ones. You are from the Kingdom of Love Son of God. And in that Kingdom, we play by holy principles; the generalship and weapons of our warfare isn't this world own. By grace, we reign through holiness, and we superior with Word and through the Word.


This world is not our home but we must pray grace to help us, to reign with God in eternity.

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