Don't panic

in HeartChurch3 years ago


One of the fiery darts of the wicked one is fear. So, being God's child, no matter under any circumstances that you are, you are not supposed to yield to fear. When the bad spirit of fear throws a dart to you, just respond to it and let it know that you are a child of God! refuse be panic!” Don't be panic of the a fear that come all of a sudden, neither of the destructiin of the wicked ones, when it cometh.” Refuse to be deterred by devils, men, circumstances, lack or want.

If anthings occurs or any circumstances arise that tend to put fear against you, just concur the Word of God. If it is the fear of want that is trying to hold of you back, just declare with boldness, recite from the scripture “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not lack! I’m connected to to His eternal and unlimited supply.” You need to say your boldness in Christ. For example if you are in a strange place or lonely place and you hear some strange sound, don't be afraid; rather, declare your faith.

Even if you walk by the valley of the shadow of death, you don't need to fear any evil because greater is He that live in you, than he that live in the world!” When you face the fear, the devil will stay away from you, because the fact is, he is scared of you. So, when he throws his evil 😈 darts in your place or your way, just send them away with your faith that is filled of confessions. Be bold about the Word of God. Be bold to concur about the things God has said concerning you. Every time, boldly declare that you will always be a success.

Let the Devil know that You'll forever walk in holy health. Let him know that refuse to panic.” that kind of declarations are occurrence of distinction, it shows that you didn't belong to this world. Because God did not create the spirit of fear with us, but he gave us power, love, and sound mind. It doesn't matter what the enemy tries to use to timid you; refuse to move! Stand your ground in the Word!

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