As God has sent Him

in HeartChurch3 years ago


Jesus tells us in the John 12:49 that His words are the commandment of God, all that He said is from the Father. In another words, God has gave Him a commandment of what He should say or what He should not say. What He said in the verse 51 is even more encouraging. He said, “He know that God's commandment is forever : Whatsoever Jesus speak, He said it as the Father said to Him, so He speak” (John 12:50). Amazing!

Jesus said Peace be unto you. As God had sent Him, the same way He us. (In John 20:21)” Here, Jesus was not only talking to His Apostles; Apostle James, John, Peter and others, He was taking to us today. the same way He spoke the words of God, we should speak the heavenly words; the divine words because we have been given commandment of what we should speak, and what we should say. In Christianity, we don’t live for our personal self; we live for God.

As a Christian, we should not speak for ourselves or from thinking; we should speak for Him, and speak from Him, just like Jesus Christ did. We already have words that was given to us to speak. "Because He has said, So that we may boldly say" Speak the Word of heaven. Speak the Word of heaven like Lord Jesus, and live the life heavenly life on earth. God has already designed divinity to be released through the words! Words are not limited and it's eternal; they go inside the realm of the spirit.

Even if you speak from your closet, it will have impact still have impact in the world. So, when you have a difficulties to deal with, meditate on the Word of God; soak your spirit in the Word of God until only the Word of God comes out of your mouth; the divine words from heaven.


God has sent his only son for my sake and yours as well, so we must run to him now that we still can because the day of judgement is very near. And lets also do well to meditate on Gods word for better understanding of him.

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