You are a Saint

in HeartChurch3 years ago


There are many beautiful and glorious way you can describe the new creation in the Scriptures. It is one of the reasons why you need to study the Bible to know more about the glorious things that was spoken and written about you in the Word. The name that God called you. You need to answer that name because you will cheat yourself if you didn't answer the name. If you read Genesis 17:5, where God spoke to Abraham but then he was Abram. God said, “his name shall not be called Abram anymore, but he shall be Abraham; meaning a father of many nations that He have made him.

The meaning of “Abram” is exalted father, but God made another good plan for him, He called him father of many nations. Immediately, Abraham adjusted to his new identity and reality, he introduced himself by his new name God gave to him. Of course some people must have made jest of Abraham when he changed his name from Abram To Abraham. Remember Sarah, Abraham's wife was barren; which is another hopeless case. But Abraham was fully persuaded by the Word of God, by calling himself what God had called him.

The same way Abraham did, you need to learn how to agree with God and the Word of God. Accept the new identity God gave you and the reality in Christ. He has called you prosperous, holy, righteous, victorious. You are more than a conqueror. Walk in understanding with God, Walt with how He describe you and His perception of you. When Apostle Paul wanted to talk to the Christians at Ephesus, he called them saints, and the faithful ones. That is how you are describe as well.

If you are not a saint, it simply means that you are not born again, because those that are born again are saints. God calls you unblameable, holy and unrependable. Walk and accept in the light of these facts and you will always be productive in your walk of faith and righteousness.

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