Intercede and cast out devil

in HeartChurch3 years ago


2 Corinthians 4:3-4 is quite didactive; it shows the reason some people find it hard to give their hearts to Lord Jesus Christ; Devil is the one behind it. My pastor once ministered to someone who was willing to give his life to Christ, but he was reluctant to confess Jesus Christ as His Lord. He knew what the problem was. Myy pastor said, "Devil, you are liar, come out of this man in Jesus name! And instantly, the man opened his mouth and made confession that Jesus Christ is His Lord, and he was born again.

There are people that won't give their lives to Jesus Christ, it's because demon spirits wouldn’t allow them. That is why it is necessary to plead for the lost ones by reprimand satan and the darkness in their hearts, so that they would receive the Gospel's glorious light of Christ. Remember the fact the fact that someone left his home, having it in mind to go to church, but as he approached the church entrance, he would not go inside. The brethren tried their possible way to persuade him to go inside the church, but he would not move.

The bad spirit that had been following him all his life free him to go anywhere else, but they won't let him go to church. So, while he was at the entrance, the Word of God was going on inside the church. And all of a sudden, he became gentle, and he entered for the service. As those brethren that had tried to persuade him started to wondering at the all of a sudden change of mind, he told them that “A spirit walked out of him". Think about how many people are willing to come to the church or just become a Christian, but they are being hold by the devil.

But there is something we can do. Jesus has already gave us power to send out the Devil (Mark 16:17); it is one of the big signs of our divinity. So, while we preach the Gospel, when you see anyone that seems to be oppose the message, just intercede for them so that satan would lose his hold on them. Don’t surrender up on anyone because anyone can embrace Christ's Gospel and be saved.

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