The Diary Game | 08/05/20 | Day #5 Coronavirus is a TangosteemCreated with Sketch.

We sat in the mostly closed - almost empty bar chatting together. Like an old movie about Soviet Russia, everything is very quiet and low profile, the business serving persisting in order to survive. The encounter was fun; I was speaking to a friend who I hadn't seen in a long time, but also tragic, because this is what we have been reduced to.

Welcome to the surreal world of COVID19 - the virus of the mind.

Life in a Post-COVID world isn't fun, easy or even that exciting. Adventures come from the ability to take risks, and go places where you maybe shouldn't be. There's a reason my friends called me "La Rebelde," on my last TV interview.

All pictures are my original photography edited by Canva Pro. I use a Sony NEX-3N and a Samsung S7.

Dear Diary - Coronavirus is a Tango

My day started the same as yesterday. Instead of doing the heavier harder workout, I did a long easy jogging workout on the trampoline. This helps me prevent injury, and gives my muscles a little bit of recuperation, without losing my progress.

There is a song that has been stuck in my mind lately, it speaks to me. The name of it is Fueron Tres Años, by Hector Varela and his Orchestra. It says:

"Que cosas que tiene la vida...Que cosas te tiene destino, sera mi camino de sufrir y penar. Pero déjame besar a tus labios un solo momento y después me voy. Y quita me esta tormento.../What does life have for us? What is my destino? Will it be my path to suffer? But, allow me to kiss your lips for a moment and then I go. Stop this torment." And in another part: "Hablarme, rompe el silencio, no ves que estoy muriendo?/Speak to me, break the silence. Don't you see that I am dying?"

Words of loneliness, love lost and the human condition. Fueron Tres Años expresses the passion, the love and the heartache of a well danced tango. Things we express with our bodies and expressions. Life in times of Coronavirus, is definitely a tango. Our decisions now will impact the rest of our lives, or maybe not at all.

After my workout, it is time to do what I do best in life: write.

I'm feeling a bit frustrated with Steemit. Earning money on a platform like this should be a lot easier, and with all the other cryptocurrencies rising in value it stumps me that STEEM is staying put.

Its time for us to take responsibility as a community for upvoting good content, and pushing back if only via comments, against bad content - which isn't easy or comfortable. It is the only way we are going to make this platform viable. Please comment below your thoughts on the topic and what we can do to improve our potential, and value both via individual earnings and community curation and contribution.

Without a doubt, The Diary Game, has been an excellent vehicle and test site for rewarding interaction and activity, both in reputation score, as well as a monetary gain - which we all need now more than ever as many of us are underemployed or unemployed and reaching the end of the tunnel, or the end of our ropes?

A future more gloomy than ever before looms. Or is it a bright new opportunity like the silver lining of a cloud that is ready to burst?

Moving on...

The best cappuccino in el Centro (downtown), of Manizales.

After getting my Steemit Diary posted, and grabbing a bite, I was out the door. I needed to run a few errands, meet up with a friend, have coffee in el Centro with another friend, and then do one more errand. My favorite cappuccino to drink in el Centro, is that of Origen Caldas. It only costs $1 USD, but the quality is that it is served by a professional barista, which makes all the difference.

My friend invited me to share a meal with her - everything was so colorful and delicious!

On the bus home, I caught this incredible picture of the old train station, which is now part of the Universidad Autonoma. It is one of the most regal structures in Manizales. Historically, there was also an opera house, which was highly esteemed for its architectural beauty, but was almost intentionally allowed to go to ruin due to a jury rigged legal situation. Since I have not fully researched the story, everything I am saying here is nothing more than local gossip.

Colombia is a tremendous place to live. For the good and the bad. Yet, the spice of our lives here is this blend of dark and light, riches and poverty, success and failure. But, the real success stories are the ones nobody hears about. They are very normal every day people living within their means in middle class neighborhoods. All of this contrast is woven into a bright and colorful biodiverse tapestry of culture, social customs, joviality, and a sprinkle of malicia indigena.

In times of Coronavirus, Colombia, is for the cunning and brave. We must be more atrevido, or belligerent. Our risks are bigger, and there is a looming pressure of police and military presence which clouds our daily commute and business customs.

These are times for having good walking shoes.

I have a lot of admiration for the people on both sides of the COVID19 fence. Police and military are doing what they believe serves civility and justice to us. Business owners are taking risks and fighting for survival. Everyone else is simply doing what they believe will keep the lights on and food on the table. And whether they are right or wrong, they are all right.

I arrived home with all these wanderings of the mental pathways. The rest of the evening was spent listening to my mother, and watching my son play.

Every moment is precious in a world that would steal all your rights and liberty for something that will only finally kill 1% of the population.

It had been an eventful day in my city of dreams, Manizales de mi Alma, and the Sunset Factory. My soul searching has revealed to me, that I am not ready to abandon her yet. The seed of hope has been planted. Let's see if it grows.

By 8:30 PM I was out cold.

If you feel a kindred spirit with my DIARY entry in times of Coronavirus, New Opportunities and Colombia, then do your part to help a neighbor! Be sure to upvote, comment and/or give me a resteem, of this post. Tell a friend - and join #thediarygame so we can all bring home the rewards of high quality content curation on the @SteemitBlog ecosystem during #the50daysofsteem

I am a proud member of Team Colombia with @marpa @franyeligonzalez @josevas217, and @helengutier2.

Learn more about our team HERE:


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The Steemit Team

We totally agree on this...

Its time for us to take responsibility as a community for upvoting good content, and pushing back if only via comments, against bad content - which isn't easy or comfortable. It is the only way we are going to make this platform viable.

The Lucky 10s votes on comments is one device we are hoping will help with this. Around 100 people have been rewarded through that. But we are interested in other ideas on how to encourage more people to give constructive comments on posts.

We also hoping the Country Representatives will do more of this too.

Hola amiga, que lindo tu día, las fotos se ven geniales, tienes razón cuando dices que se deberían de votar mejor los contenidos de calidad, creo que a veces no se toman en cuenta ciertas participaciones, pero bueno creo que es poco lo que podemos hacer al respecto. Al final es solo una opinión.

Debo decirte que me ha gustado mucho tu diario.
La analogía al tango está muy buena.
Mucho que reflexionar a partir de tus palabras. En realidad si, tenía la esperanza de que steem pudiera subir de precio con todas las otra monedas subiendo, pero no, nada ha pasado. No tengo ni idea de que pasa, cuando es un red social como pocas. Espero que más temprano que tarde podamos ver buenos frutos aquí.

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