I'm so depressed please help me

in #busy6 years ago

I'm so fucked up ppl. I don't know what to do. I've had a birthday 2 days ago, and I feel so deeply in depression right now.

disillusionment with money

The most disappointing thing. The illusions have crushed hard. U know, cause when ur young, and ur growing up and on TV u see all these girls, all these luxurious cars, all that money pouring into partying and stuff, u start to feel u also need this, and it'll fulfill you, make you more happy and stuff. But I just feel now it won't. And as I earn more and more, I'm becoming more and more disenchanted by this whole materialism. The profits feel more and more dull with every 20$ i earn.
AngeloBTC, a twitter user who made 4k BTC, also said profits feel dull to him. I bet when I buy Porsche Carrera 911 all illusions would be crashed.
But still it's no doubt w/o the money u can't live a good live. Good food, sports, house and cars are not available to you. But just don't be caught in this illusion that materialism and possesions will make u happy. They won't.

your health and time are the only precious things

The only thing that's important is your health and the time left for you on Earth. And I would say it is pretty damn short. U have only like 60 years to live, and then you die. Many people in fact die before 60, so you may have only 20-30 more years to be alive. So don't spend it on stupid shit please.

idk, my unconsciousness is just crying for help and almost unconsciously I've written this post. I feel so useless and so confused and I can't cope with it alone it seems. Why all these people go to their shitty 9/5 jobs and spend their life this way? So dump. Not gonna boost the post, just want real people to say something in the comment section. Buy



Here is simple advice from one happy simple guy. Don't think too much about future and past, live at present and try to have fun in anything you do every day. This looks simple but it is not. People who think too much about future or past, they don't live in present and life is passing next to them. LIVE IN PRESENT AND MAKE JOKES ABOUT EVERYTHING

This is so true! I have read a book called: The power of now by Eckhart Tolle and it changed my life! Now I don't take life too seriously! I have found that meditation helps a lot also. When I feel very sad or overwhelming I focus my attention to this moment and just breath sit still. Every time I when I find that I start to think I listen to the "voice" in my head and soon it will become silent and then I found my self thinking then again I notice that and focus my attention back to this moment. I do this for 20 min in solitude without distraction. I set alarm that I know when to stop but you decide how long you like to meditate. I started first with 5-10min and did that daily and soon increased the time because I found that helpful to silent the mind. That is quick and simple guide to meditation.

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Братан, уже сталкиваюсь с такими мыслями, чувствую, что через годик они захватят меня как тебя.
Видимо это возрастное..

У меня тоже день рождения был недавно, позавчера)

Советую прочитать "Прозрение Идущих". Хотя бы первую книгу. Это вывернет изнутри ту основу, которая есть в каждом, и заставит забить на все дерьмо происходящее вокруг.
Если будешь читать, осознаешься и почувствуешь, то это круто поменяет мировосприятие и мировоззрение.
И уже не будет волновать всякая незначительная ерунда, да жизнь лишь инстинктами.

Поздравляю вас с днём рождения! Может у нас даже в один день

я посмотрел, хорошо, попробую почитать.

The true essence, you need some money to fulfill the basic need like a shelter, food, and clothes. The rest is luxury, you can use the money to expand your vision of the world by developing the experience of seeing other cultures, people and different places of the world. Maybe you can give your time for a cause that makes a huge difference in other people's lives!

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