Binance Crypto Exchange Issues Risk Warning, Keeps Trading, Withdrawals Suspended

in #binance6 years ago

“Due to a warning from a pre-trade check in our risk management system, we will postpone the start of trading and withdrawals. Please stay tuned for more information regarding the reopening of trading and withdrawals. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.”

Breaking news on Binance. Hope everything turns out ok as I use Binance probably the most out of any exchange. This may be a wake up call to people like me who leave too much crypto on an exchange instead of transfer to a wallet. Lazy me! :(

Read the full story here...


Working now, I just bought 25 steem for the low low price of $1.33

Binance fees are absurd, I have many coins in there. Feel like im stuck in limbo and praying they don't get hacked. This news scared me, but i really dont have a choice

Don't be lazy like me lol

Is there any secure wallet i can transfer them to that I wont get hit with a massive fee? For example i have 58 enjin. If i transferred to my exodus wallet, I would come out with 9 enjin. Anything I can do?

Yeah, you're right, might as well leave on the exchange, enjin is something like $.05 right now, so the whole 58 are only worth about $2.9 :(

@onthehook8 We should always keep our cryptos in cold storage if we are long term holders. Or else use top exchanges to trade. But insecurity is always there as we are surrounded by hackers.

You're 100% correct, like I said I just got lazy, and have too much on the exchanges for no good reason, working to correct that now. Thanks for the comment. :)

@onthehook8 I've got an offer that you might be interested in. Please email me on [email protected]

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