in #freedom7 years ago (edited)


By Anna Von Reitz

I am amused in a grim way by what the Bank of France (Jacob Rothschild) and Paul Ryan and a number of dishonest and/or ignorant Generals are trying to pull off with all their "restored Republic" rhetoric.

It's hard to restore something that never existed in the first place.

There was never "a" single republic of any kind, but rather, fifty independent nation-states guaranteed a "republican form" of government. That's quite a different thing.

What they-- Paul Ryan and the other perps-- are proposing is a resurrection of the old dishonest nasty territorial corporation under a different name, but the same basic management team.

To that we have said, "Thanks, but no thanks. You did a rotten, self-serving, dishonest job since 1946 and we have no need or desire for your further services, apart from a month-by-month agreement to pay for services you provide during the re-venue and transition to other accommodations."

In other words, Jacob Rothschild and the Bank of France (sponsor of the IMF fiasco) have been given a polite boot out the door, and Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, John McCain, and the other bad actors right along with the USA, Inc. Their attempt at "restructuring" the same old manure pile by calling it by a new name--- "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (INC.)" and misrepresenting a commercial corporation as a "new republic"--- isn't going to change our minds or make any difference in the outcome.

The entire world is now aware of what is going on here and nobody is putting up with it any longer. The 200-plus nations that have suffered along with the American states and people from the bullying and lawlessness of both the territorial and municipal "government" corporations are as fed up as we are.

So if push comes to shove and the perpetrators backing the "New Republic" refuse to face the simple FACT that their employers have sacked them and refused to renew a long-term contract for cause ---and in fact have made other arrangements with other "federal" service providers--- it won't be just a bunch of American farmers staring down their gun barrels.

The entire world will know that Jacob Rothschild dba Bank of France is meddling in American internal affairs and trying to butt in and assume succession to a service contract after being authoritatively and in public "conditionally accepted".

Our conditions include a peaceful and smooth re-venuing of the government functions owed to the actual land jurisdiction states and people and the equally peaceful release and return of our assets purloined by the Municipal United States and last but not least, a peaceful transition to our new service providers.

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