Parasites I Missed

in #love7 years ago (edited)



The sun had woken me from my stupor last night, I do not think he had waved his light on his head, I was so excited I took my phone. The hairs on my neck are cringing after seeing the messages and the 37 unanswered calls from rina, he's my best friend, ever since we were the rest of the corn. I read half the message, all the messages are annoyed to me. Because I did not keep my promise to jog in the car free day our town square. Understand it, now wall clocks have shown the number 10. Actually I'm what kind of virgin anyway? I thought to myself

With my body still half-life I came down from the stairs my room, I hope today my mother cooks well, if there is no chicken meat at least. The important thing today is that I do not eat instant noodles anymore. Makes me, because my mom and dad are human career so forget the whole thing about her family. If alluded to nyari nyari maid my mother's face sepet, do not know what is in his mind

I just came down from the stairs, uh there are astral creatures who've been waiting for my arrival from this morning. He sat back at my family dinner table, with a loaf of bread and a knife in his hand. Idih terrible, already rich psychopath socialita today. He is rina, he never had any rules for me to enter my house, like morning, noon, night, dawn even though the door of this house is always open for him. Because he was considered family by my family

"Semis abis hangkal where this hour just wake up?" He pointed his knife at me. Maybe he meant to show me but his knife forgot to be down
"Was abis dream together zayn malik, it's wasteful to get up early" that is the stupid reason I ever say
"Dream lu aja, lu suits same jono aja" jono is a man who mukannya like gunderuwo again got ringworm, he is including famous people in our school,
"Brother jono only yours"
"B * tch !!" he said

Instead of arguing with the man, I'd rather just take a bath. Splashing water on the floor decorates my bathroom sound, coupled with the thought out loud song that I was buzzing with a bajaj-like four-year-old exhaust sound. When I finished I immediately wanted to my room on the second floor. Have not gotten up the stairs, the man had already menjegalku again

"Because cfd is not so. Tlaktir I'm watching. Bodo! "
"What is this, this coercion" I dodge
"Bodo bodo bodo"
"Yes already wait, cave pake clothes first"
"Do not be beautiful enough, then no guys who ngelirik me!"
"Bodo bodo bodo" I said

After I was well groomed with prinses from badghdad, I immediately prepared to go to the nearest mall from my house, before I went to my mother, but not with my father, he was busy fishing in the pond back home. It's not really pretty gini play to the pond. After saying goodbye I immediately memius taxi online, and soon pack the driver came to pick me up and deliver me to where we are headed

Oh yes, introduce my name wina alessia, his girlfriend zayn malik, hobby ngegosip, allergic jengkol but hooked banana, the same one again, I'm single loh, just dropped out two years ago, already aja. Arrived at the destination we immediately booked the ticket, because the movie is still 30 minutes away just starting, I do a dozen to eat in one cafe, and rina also agreed. Again cool to chew food suddenly there was someone who admonished me from behind, his voice heavy. Certainly this guy, but I do not know who he is, because I do not make a date with anyone today

"Guess who is?" He said as he closed my eyes
"Woy lu who? Lu plots mode !!! "I'm angry
"Kenalin name me ray" he ngulurin his hand to me. What is this man trying to do?
"Do not be fierce, I'll add more" he ngegombal
"Do not know?" I started to stand up. While rina just laughed gawking at me and the strange man
"If you go, do not mistake me if I will nyari you to the edge of the world though" he said to me
"Who will listen" I said

After me and rina left the man I went straight to audotarium 3 and get the bench E6,7. Just wanted to sit down, uh not know already there nempatin, when just want to kutegur, he immediately turned his face to us

"See you again" he said
"How are you anyway?"
"I told you I'm going to fly you to the end of the world once"
I'm fed up with the man immediately took rina to get out of this room, I hate to see him. I decided to leave.

Just wanted to get out of the mall, it rained heavily, this adds to my anguish which is oscillated by the astral man. I open my phone, his intention to call taxi online but unfortunately bateraiku lowbet and batrai rina cell phone was the same. I sat on the steps of the mall entrance like the rags of the land abang was asking for donations, to wait for the rain to stop. The temptation of the merchant endlessly burst into my senses of hearing. This makes me even more bloody

"Come home with me alone, I take the car really" suddenly a familiar voice heard by my ears
"I still lu again" I was shocked not playing, the man came again
"Let's go" rina agrees with her
"Ih rin fuck anyway"
"Tuhnya temennya agree" he seduced
"I want to follow him" he muttered rina
With the pressure of many times, I finally agreed.

In the car I just paused, I deliberately took a seat in the back but he was endlessly peering at me in his car's rearview mirror.
"If ngeliatin raisa do not segitunya" I said
"You are more than raisa"
"Alay lo!"
"You're funny again if bete" he said
Ah from me I continued this conversation, mending I saw the rain coming down, it was more beautiful than the driver's face.

Because the streets deserted due to rain he was driving with high speed, I do not know how fast the car must be until the geter. Actually I'm afraid but want to say he ngeluarin ngeluarin bacotannya again, mending me diem while komat kamit let ya ngendarainnya not nabrak.
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After a long time he broke red lights with the state of the car incredible kencengnya, and the arrival of the inevitable collision, finally the three of us unconscious. When I woke up, I realized if my face is full of plaster here and there, I think this is just a trap of betmen, uh fit I hold the pain. Ah shit the parasite was up again. Anyway if I meet him, I want to hit his face with a hammer, or not baseball punch let abstract tuh humans. Rina who already wake up first immediately hug me while ngeluarin tears

"Why why cried rin?"
" We still be the win" he said with a sob
"What is it mean?" I am more confused with all this
"Ray died"
"hah? That guy was that right? oath?"
"Yes rin" he kept tears dripping his eyes

Is he really gone? Is this the destiny of God? Why is this plan so complicated? This is all my fault! Maybe this does not happen if I did not leave while in the cinema. I miss him even though we only meet a few hours. Why is this feeling too painful? I miss the parasite. I disappeared the man who just knew me, the person who invited acquaintances was not received. Too bad to me? He is a parasite I missed. I am very sorry for all my actions against him. Very. Finally I slept in tears

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