PART:- 01 ⊙ RoboCop (2014) Movie Explained in English | A mystery movie review🎥.

in Steem Lifestyle3 years ago (edited)


My Dear Steemians,

Today I will explained RoboCop (2014) film and This is part 1.

The film starts from the scene, where a news reporter was telling about a droid on TV. Droid are the kind of a robot that walks and its and its structure are alike real humans. But it is a huge robot. That robot is now completely prepared. For its final experiment and to show people that how it works. It is brought to the city. With it, it is also showing live on TV. The reporter tells that if we will wear a bracelet we can control our droid.

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Means this robot. It will obey our orders. Then we see that the walking robots are scanning the humans of the city. The people of that place were irritated by them. Because they don't want to give their place to robots. Because those robots were looking advanced. They have every function. There were some people who start shooting those robots. Because they think that those robots can harm them.
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But now the problem is that there was also the detection system in those robots. That who can harm them. It can also detect any metal thing. And if a human is having a weapon they can also detect it. Now when the humans attack the robots so the robots also attack them to defend themselves. Due to which many humans die. A man who was dead in them his son comes in front of them. He was having a knife in his hand. A robot detects it. And it kills that innocent boy. But it doesn't affect the news reporter of the Tv. He was just given the money from the CEO of that company. To play his ads. To admire his robots. So he says that it is a good thing that these robots are sensible to defend themselves. And to detect the things like metal. It will help us. Now we can see live that the whole city is destroying. Because of those robots. With it, that news reporter tells that the CEO of this company who has made those robots. He wants to send these robots to other cities or countries also. Means these robots and with it he also favors him. But then we see that the senator of this place refuses for it. Now the scene changes towards a police station. We see a detective, Murphy. Her team was getting aggressive with her. Actually, the thing is that one night before Murphy and her companion went to meet a man. That man has stolen some pieces of evidence. The strange thing is that those pieces of evidence were stolen from their police station. This Murphy comes to know that he is a person from her department.
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That person is deceiving them. But on the other side, that person also comes to know that Murphy and his companion are detectives. And they fight a lot. Due to which the companion of Murphy was injured. That's why that criminal also runs from there. Murphy couldn't catch him. On the other side, the CEO of the company was sitting worried. That I will deploy my robots at any cost.
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They have just this problem that they don't have emotions. That they don't have feelings like humans. So why don't we mix humans and robots? Then they both will have emotions and it will happen the same they want. That CEO meets his special doctor. He says that we want a human whose body parts can be replaced with robots. For this, you have to help me. The companion of Murphy meets with that criminal. And he tells him that the police department is now behind him. Here we come to know that he was the man. He was deceiving everyone in the department. And he was with that criminal. That man says to the criminal that for this we have to move Murphy from our way. I will support you. So they plan to fix a bomb in Murphy's car. And as he will come to his car this bomb will explode. He will die. In the next scene, we see that Murphy was in his home with his wife and son. He had a lovely family.
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And they love each other. Meanwhile, Murphy hears the voice of his car from outside. When he goes to check it the bomb of his car explodes. Due to which the condition of Murphy gets worse. He was badly injured. His all body parts were injured. His hands, feet, and even his eyes everything was damaged. When that CEO comes to know about it he talks to his doctor immediately. He is that human. He is the one that will prove good for us. We can't find a better human than him in our project. Whom we can convert into a robot. So we will adjust the robotic parts in his body. Like this, he can remain alive. They tell everything to Murphy's wife. They make her agree. That this is the only way to keep your husband alive. Murphy's wife was weeping a lot. And she doesn't want to see her husband in this condition. But she doesn't have any other solution. So while putting stone on her heart she hardly allows for this. She gives them permission. Then we see that the time of 3 months has passed. The doctor was doing hard work on Murphy's body. Then finally robotic Murphy comes in front of us. When the doctor turns on the robot of Murphy, Murphy couldn't believe his condition. Murphy says to the doctor that what have you people done with me? Then the doctor tells him everything. Do you remember that you went near your car? That bomb was exploded.
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There was nothing left fine in your body. That was the only way to keep you alive. Then Murphy says that to die was better than this. Is this a life to stay connected with a machine? When Murphy's body was shown from inside it was looking strange. Means his lungs, his head, and his heart was fine. His other body was just a machine. The doctor makes him understand. Then Murphy understands. That there was no solution except this. And he accepts this reality. Then he was told that you have to learn to fight. You were a detective before. It will beneficial for you. Just improve your shooting skills. For this, he was given much training. After it, the CEO says to everyone that now we will do a real experiment. We will see that till now what Murphy has learned. They called his wife there. Then Murphy was taken to a place where there were many other droids. This means there were many robots. Now their fight starts. Many droids attack Murphy. But Murphy was so strong and he has many skills. That he defeats all the droids. While seeing this the CEO becomes happy. After this successful operation, Murphy was allowed for the first time to meet his family. Now when for the first time Murphy comes in front of his wife and his son. They were sad. Because Murphy was not like before. But that was enough for them that Murphy was alive at least. And he was with them. Then we see that an event was arranged. In which they will introduce the droid of Murphy to everyone. And they have to tell all that how good robot is he. He also has emotions. Same like humans. Everyone was questioning the robot of Murphy one by one. He was answering well and impressing everyone. But then that footage comes in front of his eyes.

Fast part I end here. I will explain the rest in the next part.

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And Thanks To All



This post contains 75% plagarism.


Cc:- @endingplagiarism @steemcurator01

 3 years ago (edited)

@nahidhasan23 ভাই এটা 100% প্লেগারিজম ফ্রী আর্টিকেল। দয়া করে আবার চেক করুন। আর এখন যে প্লাগারিজম দেখাচ্ছে তা মাত্র তিনদিন আগে আপলোড করা একটি পোস্ট। আর আমার পোস্টটি 5 দিন আগের। নাহিদ ভাই মেহেরবানী করে চেক করে দেখবেন।


I hope @steemcurator01 will look into the matter better.
I hope @endingplagiarism will check my post well. If there are any plagarism., you will see the upload time. Hopefully more will do a fair trial.


Notice:- fake report

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