Born free to choose life or death

in #life8 years ago

Life or death the choice is ours

Back in the bible times, it was unheard of women having children outside of the protective hedge of marriage.  Today much different matter children are having children and to make matters worse out of the marriage covenant, without the protection of a father figure.  Teens are recurring to abortion as a form of birth control method.  This leads to much trouble later on in life not only for the young woman, but for society too.  For example, it can be attest that for a woman after having an abortion, the feelings of guilt, sadness, anger which if left untreated becomes depression not to mention emptiness that rear its ugly head.  In some cases, the woman who chose to abort her unborn child as birth control cannot conceive due to the multiply abortions or medical mistakes. Education makes a difference when making a decision.  Good decision making comes as result receiving a wholesome unbiased education, therefore, indoctrination of children by a society that claims freedom should never take place.

1 . Abortion vs. Adoption Respect vs. irreverence for life.  

According to the statistics, the number of abortions versus adoption in the United States is overwhelming.

Total number of abortions in the U.S. 1973-2011: 54.5 million+

234 abortions per 1,000 live births (according to the Centers for Disease Control)

Abortions per year: 1.2 million

Abortions per day: 3,288

Abortions per hour: 137

9 abortions every 4 minutes

1 abortion every 26 seconds

These statistics include only surgical and medical abortions. Because many contraceptive measures are abortifacients (drugs that induce or cause abortions), it is important not to overlook the number of children killed by chemical abortions. Since 1965, averages of 11 million women have used abortifacient methods of birth control in the United States at any given time. Using formulas based on the way the birth control pill works, pharmacy experts project that about 14 million chemical abortions occur in the United States each year, providing a projected total of well in excess of 610 million chemical abortions between 1965 and 2009.

Number of abortions (medical and surgical): 329,445

Total number of abortions per week: 6,335

Adoption referrals: 841

Ratio of adoption referrals to abortions: 1 per 392

Plan Parenthood and the private abortion clinics, are there to provide unbiased information to their clients.  Their priorities should be focus on the individual’s welfare and not on the profits. By placing the love of money first, they had done away with many generations in the name of the right to choose through the abortion method.  If the individual after having presented with alternatives chooses to abort, the very least will be an informed choice.  Society cannot request or force to do away with abortion through laws, or through attacking clinics and killing Doctor because it would only infringe their personal freedom to choose. A person must be free to choose without any hindrance by the Judicial System or individuals.  Having stated that, today a teen today can have an abortion without consulting her parents, and never mind the Father of the child. The school’s faculty will help and support her decision, should she confide on the school’s counselor.  I think this is a misguided approach because a teenager’s mind has not been formed completely and  it deprives parents of the opportunity to help their daughters to make a good informed decision for unborn child.

 Adoption should be consider before an abortion or for a child born a relationship based on lust and not love, the father walks away, many times without even thinking about how that child will be able to grow up without his economical and moral support.  The child’s mother must work to support both.   In  many cases  the state  must do so  through  welfare and other  programs  design to help  the citizen in times  of need, but  many cases the help must be  extended  to many generations  keeping them enslave of  a system  that cannot  terminate poverty, because it was not design to do so. One must pay attention to what is happening to the program called Social Security System, today per every three retired individuals receiving their benefits, one supports the system, thereby, rendering a broken program. Consider the millions and millions denied of seen the sun and their contributions to society that will never take place.  Think of the millions of illegal and legal immigrants that are replacing those denied the right to live and ask yourself an honest question, why not practice of adoption instead.

already overtaxed segment of society.   Adoption can cost between 12, 000 to 40, 000 thousand dollars and it takes about 18 months depending on the adoption agency.  In any case  this procedure should be made easy for individuals who qualify to be able to adopt  this Country’s  children, by making it easier  many citizens would adopt  its own citizens  instead of going abroad to adopt  foreign children, as the saying goes charity begins at home.   

2. Conventional marriage vs. unconventional marriage

Many women have children from different man, because she looks for love in the wrong places and she believes the man’s moon and the stars.   Sadly, for her, this endless cycle only brings her pain to her and children. Sometimes she looks for a man because she needs help to raise the children, therefore, when that man treats her children as he pleases, she looks away, due to her economical needs.  The poor child has not choice, but to accept neglect, mistreatment, and sometimes subjected to sexual abuse and in some cases, the loss of the child’s life occurs by the very individual responsible to protect the child. 

 Children who grow up with rejection fear, poor self-esteem are unable to reach a full potential and has more potential to end up incarcerated.  Adoption would been preferable by qualified  couples  who are willing and can  raise children in a loving  and  secure  environment, allowing the child to grow up and  be  productive to society rather than  to be a burden to an Many of our issues today with the family are due to the confusion of roles between men and women.  Not long ago men knew that his role in marriage was to protect and provide, but along came the women liberation and his role has become absolute.  When a woman becomes pregnant, the man does not feel the need to fulfill the responsibilities as a father to his child or to protect the woman because his family has not taught him his role as men and society has

lost its moral compass and cannot tell the difference.

The woman’s role was to respect, to support her husband and to nurture her children. A woman can do anything she chooses to do for work.  As woman however, when she forgets her identity as a woman and usurps men’s position in society; she becomes unhappy due to the internal conflict within the relationship.

  In in many instances she denies herself of being a wife and a mother in order to fulfill her carrier only to regret it later, but her individual’s rights must be respected regardless of the consequences.  

The government has succeeded in making the union of the same gender, as valid as the one made by God himself in the beginning, un-breakable covenant between one man, one woman and God.  The marriage covenant should be taken very seriously since it differs from any other transaction done on earth.   Each of us made a commitment when we said” I do” on our wedding day.   We are standing on our covenant not a contract that can be broken.  May each s us make a commitment “for life” regardless of our circumstances for our spouse and marriage.  The government has nothing to add or to take from marriage as forever written in God’s Holy Bible, no matter how hard a society may try to change it or do away with it.  In fact, if society does away with traditional marriage, it will only accomplish the demise of an entire culture.  Society as whole may not like certain individual’s practices, but must not discriminate or denied certain groups of their economic rights, due to their personal choices. Likewise, those same individuals should respect and may not try remake or make absolute what was ordain by God himself thought the political means. 

Our society in now days promotes, and encourage children to become rebellious, to consume drugs and to do with their bodies as they please, however, this was not the case not long ago, our programs, music, schools supported  parents’ values at home, the education was coherent to the values taught at home.  However, today many parents’ values goes by the waste side, because culturally contradict each other, thereby leaving children unable to obey their parents’ values  because what we have today a whole generation being conditioned to believe that truth is no true for them until they choose to believe it. In the culture, we live in, of anything goes for children takes more precedent fit in than to obey their parents.   Ironically the same culture that promotes  lack of respect for  good values, turns around and scorns them, making them feel and believe that they are something worthless or despicable; the same children they helped to be  rebellious, disrespectful to parents, society and themselves. Some of those children will inevitable end up in jail; once they are incarcerated, they will get the harsh, loveless biting for discipline from the law enforcement.     Parents are afraid of hurting their child’s self-esteem, (permissive) too afraid to have to deal with social services or they were too busy keep up with the Jones (absent parents).  Discipline is a part of loving the children, discipline is never pleasant now, but it brings rewards keep in mind victory is yours if you do not grow weary and give up. One of the many roles of parenting to provide the children with an excellent education about procreation, to protect them from negative influences, e.g. television’s programs with a tilted view of what of true love is , the purpose of marriage, and integrity.  Parents benefit their children by teaching them that if they are going to stand strong in the face of today’s culture, they need to be sure that they are committing their lives to something genuine, something true, something real.  Parents must involve their children in choosing  games that do not promote anger and violence, this very act teaches their children to make wise choices while  preventing  them from becoming desensitized to outburst of anger, bulling and killing.  Alarming as it may be, most of the children today even the brightest and best of them believe that the act of believing makes things true. Parents concept of what it means to believe in something their likely different from that of their kids.  Many people are under the impression that to become a parent all they need a partner and the rest falls into place.   However, the reality is much different because research consistently shows that unless parents are willing to invest time; good solid biblical teaching delivered with love their child will be 224% more likely to be angry at life; 216% more likely to be resentful; 210% more likely to lack purpose in fife; and 200% more likely to be disappointed in life.  More over research has shown that kids from good families, but with a secular background, rather than a biblical belief system are 36% more likely to lie to a friend; 48% more likely to cheat on an exam; 200% more likely to steal; 300% more likely to use illegal drugs and 600% more likely to attempt suicide! While parents need to fear what their kids could be tempted to do, they need to be more concerned with what their kids are lead to believe.  The making of an individual is based on actions, visible, and values, beliefs which are invisible, therefore, the way kids behave comes from something.  Their attitudes and actions spring from their value system, which their based on what they believe.  His beliefs shape his values, and his values drive his actions. As you can see the young person’s actions are just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.  Thus if Parents are concerned that their young people might make wrong choices that will bring them pain, it’s shortsighted to simple try to mold or control what they do. Good parenting skills, however, instill right values within them, values that are based on solid biblical beliefs, so their lives would not reflect the pain and consequences of wrong choices. It makes a lot of difference when one believes the Bible because it’s true than to think it’s true because I believe it.  All these and more must be taught by example too, otherwise the children would only revel against it and would think about their parents as hypocrites.  Children are precious gifts from our Creator and they are also the future of this world, and we as society should never become careless about the children.  

3. Education vs. indoctrination

 As for the school system goes, their faculty should respect the children moral values and uphold them, instead of destroying their faith while making their parents look out touch with reality.  The School’s faculty is there  for one purpose  only to implement  An unbiased education, to prepare and give children skills to for the work force, but  this education must done based on truth, otherwise becomes indoctrination based on a big, lie, as  evolution, these teaching has caused more harm to society than any other teaching.  Everything it had been taught about this earth is billions of years old. Yet, these fossils could not possibly billions of years old. In addition, the more one studied, the more one realized that is true. I mean, if you think about a fossil, it's a dead animal caught in a rock layer. Yet, a fish that dies in your aquarium, it does not turn into a fossil. It does not fossilize. It is just eaten up and deteriorates, and turns into food for other animals.

For example there is  two major reasons that proves evolution did not take place because the bottom of these rock layers that were laid down under water, they were all laid down under water, you find enormous gaps between every very different kind of creature. You will find single cell organisms and starfish with nothing in between. How do you do that? How do you go from a single cell to a starfish and leave nothing in between? It is as it created. There are starfish and lobsters, and coral, and two different kinds of animals, very different from each other with enormous gaps. Second, very recently scientist had been discovering dinosaur bones that have totally Un-fossilized soft, stretchy tissue inside the bones. Now, think about this. If your dog died and you buried it in his backyard and you came back 50 years later and dug in that spot, would you find any bones left, any soft tissue left? No, you would not! Is there any proof that a creature has turned into another creature or the whole evolutionary cycle? There is absolutely no proof for that. What you get is variations within a kind of creature. It's like, you look at all the different kind of dogs we have. We have Chihuahuas and we have Great Danes. But they all came from the information God put within the first wolf type creature. And then you get lots of variation. But a dog has never turned into a cow, and it's never been shown how it could happen. Now what evolutionists will do is line things up as you see in museums and in textbooks. 

the American Museum of Natural History has an exhibition of horses. It's a classic example. You see it in the textbooks and the museums. They’ll line up creatures that have three toes and then creatures that have two toes, and the creatures that have a single hoof, it would be a small creature and then a medium size creature, and then a big 4 creature, you see that proves the horse evolved from a different creature. Once again, remember you're not being told the whole story. We have since then, [after it]became very popularly shown, all those creatures have been found in the same layer of rocks. So how could one turn into another? A scientific fact, that blows that exhibit out of the water. Okay. Now the earth according to many scientists is billions of years old. We have

scientific inventions that help us date how old the earth is. What do you say about the book called the Bible that says the earth is a little over 6000 years old Well what you're not hearing about,  is that the vast majority of dating methods indicate a very recent creation. But to explain life without God you've got to have enormous periods of time. So they only pick the methods that seem to indicate, well maybe there has been a lot of time. Let me just explain one, radio carbon dating. Everybody has heard about that. And I'll show you why it really supports a recent creation. All of our bodies are made of carbon. A certain amount disappears every so often. So as soon as you die it starts disappearing. Say the carbon in your body is represented by this sheet of paper. After so many years, half of it disappears. After so many more years another half disappears. So many more years, half disappears and then So as soon as you die it starts disappearing. Say the carbon in your body is represented by this sheet of paper. After so many years, half of it disappears. After so many more years another half disappears. So many more years, half disappears and then half more disappears, and a half more disappears. We can measure how fast that happens today. You see what's happening? You get less and less, and less until eventually you don't even have a single molecule of the paper left. So scientists measure how much something has died, they dig it up out of the ground, they measure how much radio-carbon is left and they calculate, well then it must have been alive thousands of years ago because there's hardly any left. This is what you're not told. This is what students aren't told. We can dig up dinosaur bones or coal that was supposedly buried hundreds of millions of years ago. There shouldn't be a single atom of radio-carbon left. Just like you can't keep dividing the paper over and over again. And yet, we find like this much radio-carbon left in those things. It says those dinosaur bones, those coal seams couldn't possibly be as old as we're told because there's enormous amounts of this radio-carbon left in them. It takes a lot of faith to believe in evolution, much more faith than to believe in Creation, but no one will ever know because under the false pretense of church and State separation, the Bible was removed perhaps they were threaten by God’s eternal word. 

There are always a consequence to every decision and as we are witnessing many consequences are taken place in now days, when the bible went out, the guns went in, leaving teachers and children at the mercy of children who do not have respect for life.   As those terrorist who serve as an example that one can have deep, abiding convictions and still be tragically wrong…if  ideologically they believe things with conviction as the result wrong belief system. 

Teaching children beyond belief to conviction, therefore, we must guide them through an examination of the evidences for what they believe.  Only then will they be equipped with true convictions that what they believe their objectively true. Otherwise, the children will possess duplicitous personalities, furthermore, leaving them lagging behind underdeveloped countries education wise.  How cold the heart of anyone who takes away from the man the hope he will meet his dear ones again? Would anyone persuade him that is not future where his loves ones will be found?

4. Born free to choose life or death

Was the past societies plague by the same behaviors  as we are  today, the answer of course, yes, if society continues the status quo, the writing is already in the wall, it impossible to escape the results of God’s seed principle law of swing and reaping.  It is what it is.   It produces a harvest of all the thoughts, words and actions, both positive and negative.  A constant balancing act of events, of what some call cause and effect –tit for tat- sawing and reaping – what goes around comes around.   However, you phrase it.  It is the same in the end: “for what so ever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7 KJV)  We should see, as the working of the seed principle law their evident in the earliest periods of biblical history those who plow evil and plant trouble, harvest it. What good does it do to a society to be superior technologically speaking, but as in the book of proverbs, we find it written, “The wicked earns deceptive wages, but he who sows righteousness gets a true reward.  And again” disaster, and their reign of terror will end because they were spiritually bankrupted.  What can a society do when the moral foundations are removed?  consider Sodom and Gomorrah no doubt, and were once like any normal cities in their day.  Gradually, day after day, and year after year, they drifted further and further away from God and God’s spiritual and moral laws.  Finally, the day came when God said “no more, enough their enough.”  That Day of Judgment will come for all individuals and nations, as it did for those cities because they had not respected for God.  Look at world history,.  What has become of the monarchies, empires and dictatorships of the world?  In ancient history what brought ruin to Babylon? Her king and people would not obey God, and ruin came upon them.  What has become of Greece and all her power after she once ruled the world? A great plague in 404 BC, Greece was conquered by Sparta, which ended the Greek empire.  They rejected God’s blessed book, the Bible and today all that their left of ancient Greece their ruins.   The Roman Empire and her greatness ended when their cup of iniquity was full, it was dashed to the ground.  This Country with an open Bible; our fore fathers planted slavery and the horrible, inhumane things that came with it.  There were sins of all kinds; sins of cruelty torture, and murder.  Boy and girls were snatched from their mothers’ arms and sold on the auction block like animals, never to be seen again by their mothers.  Ah, but finally, the harvest time came at last with the reaping of the sin soaked seeds they sowed for hundreds of years.  As history recorded, there was no a family, North or South that had not mourned over someone taken from them in the Civil War.  Think about  how in two world wars tens of thousands of their sons and daughters died in horrible deaths and it cost billions of dollars  to Germany, France, Japan and England  that could have been used for a suffering humanity, but instead it was spent on weapons of war. When Paul expressed this principle in his letter to the Galatians, he clothed in the simple language derived from the farm, but others embellish the principle law of sowing and reaping and refer to it as the laws of cause and effect, the law of retribution or retaliation, and the law of compensation. It does not matter in which name may appear under we see that it exists. It is beyond reasonable dispute.  The atheist, agnostic, and skeptic criticize everything in the Bible, but they have acknowledge the seed principle’s truth of sowing and reaping, since it does not depends upon of revelation for its support.  Philosophers agree on it as much as they agree on anything. 

For what their man, what purpose does he serve?  What is  the good in him, and what the bad?  Take the number of a man’s days; a hundred years is very long.  Like a drop of water from the sea, or a grain of sand, such are these few years compared with eternity.  For this reason the Lord shows them forbearance, and pours out his mercy on them.  He sees and recognizes how wretched their end is , and so he makes his forgiveness the greater.  Man’s compassion extends to his neighbor, but the compassion on those who accept correction, and who fervently look for judgments.

Do not say, “The Lord was responsible for my sinning” for he is never the cause of what he hates.  Do not say, “it was he who lead me astray ,” for he has no use for a sinner.  The Lord hates all that their foul, and no one who fears him will love it either.  He himself made man in the beginning and then left him free to make his own decisions. If you wish, you can keep the commandments, to behave faithfully is  with your power.  He has set fire and water before you; put out your hand to whichever you prefer.  Man has life and death before him; whichever a man likes better will be given him. For vast is the wisdom of the Lord; he their almighty and all-seeing.  His eyes are on those who fear (respect) him; he notes every action of man. He never commanded anyone to be godless; he has given no one permission to sin.

If only society as a whole choose to open up their close minds and see the inflicting wound upon ourselves, and stop it, only then the number of abortions, half of African American incarcerated, and abandon children would reduce dramatically.  Otherwise, we are left with, If they only had adhered to the God’s teachings, for there their not other book, in the entire world that can give us the comfort God’s word can; and no other book that can tell us where our destiny lies ahead. 

Ask yourself these questions and answer them with the integrity that makes you an outstanding individual.

It is time to run a reality check:

Is it the School’s responsibility to provide the children with an excellent education about evolution vs. procreation?

Is information, good UNBIASED necessary to a woman before an abortion?

Has the social security system changed, because for every three people that receive their social security benefits only one person contributes to it?

Is the United States, making up for the loss of its citizens through abortion by admitting more immigrants the illegal way?

Is the practice of abortion a private, personal matter or a public, political issue?

In the United States, the procedure of adopting a child is too difficult.

Does today's society support raising healthy children emotionally and physically?

Is having half of the African America male’s population is in jail, in part because of the high rate of absence of fathers at home?

Was the marriage covenant as instituted by God between male, female and himself and given to his church or given it to the secular government?

Was the separation of State and Church (us) to protect the church from Government intrusion or to hinder the church (us)? 

Is it the Church’s responsibility to provide welfare to poor individuals rather than the Government?

Does the teaching of evolution absolve us of any personal accountability to God and Society?

2010 Planned Parenthood service numbers

Bruce Malone  a chemical engineer . His passion is sharing scientific truth showing evidence for creation.

The Bible 

®registered ­2011

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