Reason Why you fall in your sleep

in #life7 years ago

Image Source ;Lifebuzz & Sleepnoomi

Do you fall in your sleep?Have you had that falling sensation each time you doze off?

This is an illusion of falling known as THE HYPNIC JERK, often tends to happen as you are falling asleep.

It is an involuntary twitch which occurs just as a person is beginning to fall asleep, often causing them to awaken suddenly for a moment.........wikipedia

Sleep Start, Hypnogogic jerk call it any of these are part of Sleep process.Physically, it resemble the "jump" experienced by a person when frightened, always accompanied by a falling feeling.

it's just the body "twitching" as it slowly shuts down for rest............doctors believe

It is a phenomenon named in reference to the transitional period between wakefulness and sleep (Hypnogogic state).

Most people report that the Hypnic jerk is accompanied by dreams,hallucinations, the sensation of falling, or bright lights or loud noises coming from inside the head.This are muscle spasms, which may occur impulsively or may be caused by light,sound or some other other external stimulant.

Scientist are not so sure why this Phenomenon occur.Based on some findings,a few theories exist:

Hypnagogic jerks are a natural part of the body's transition from alertness to sleep, and occurs when nerves "fall flat" during the process.........Conclusion of an Hypothesis.

Some Researchers believe certain factors, such as anxiety, fatigue, caffeine, sleep deprivation and stress, may escalate seriousness of Hypnagogic jerks, but this researches are inconclusive.

An evolutionary approach is another popular idea to Hypnic jerks.This simply explains that this unsolicited movement are an ancient primate reflex to the relaxation of muscles during the onset of sleep:

the brain crucially misinterprets the relaxation as a sign that the sleeping primate is falling out of a tree, and causes the muscles to quickly react.

Hypnic jerks are seldomly experienced by the middle age.But are more frequent in children with about 3–6 per hour at the age ranging from 8 to 12 years old, and there is decline toward 1–2 per hour at age 55 to 70 years old.

Therefore Steemians,when you fall in your sleep;fear not,it is your body playing some heavy jokes on you!

it's @oluwoleolaide , thanks for reading!

Left you some tiny support! Been seeing your growth lately. Kudos! We will talk again and drop you some more tips for more steemit growth! Sleep is luxury! Can't remember when last we fell into sleep!

😄that's kind of you @unmean-stweets .....many thanks mate.

That was interesting read! followed =)

nice you read through @sarahc1362 .Thanks

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