in STEEM NIGERIA4 years ago (edited)

Welcome to another episode of my diary post. Today I will be telling you about the hectic money morning in lokoja. Monday is usually overflow day wit traffic as everyone would be looking for possible way to arrive at work.

4:30am This days I think am getting use to waking up around 4am or few minutes pass 4am each day. That help me in performing my morning rituals (praying, meditation, watching YouTube videos, listening to podcast) among others.

6:45am After taking my bath, brushing my teeth and taking my breakfast I left home around 6:45am to avoid the traffic jam. I was to have class by 8am. Despite the whole preparation and planning I was still stock on traffic.

The long traffic at 7:15am

Angry because the time was almost against me. Inside the tricycle, all I could think of is meeting up with the time of the lecture. We were able to make it through the traffic after 30 minute of no movement. After dropping I could not let go the eye catching succulent groundnut looking at my direction.
Check it out

I only bought the one of #100 $0.28 making it total of $0.56. I arrive at the lecture hall at 8:30am. It's usually a challenge climbing the mountain. To make things more easier, steps has been made to help in climbing.
Mountain View

6:10pmThe whole day was hectic for me. No break it was revision all through because of the fast approaching examination. Having three straight revision wasn't funny at all.
View of a stress man after a long day


2.Synoptic Gospel
3.Church History 1&2

I tell you theologians will understand better, this are books will large volume of pages most especially church history in particular. At around 6pm the whole revision came to an end with a closing prayer. Arrived home at 7:15pm ate rice and stew for dinner before going to bed. It was indeed hectic Monday. I remain the team leader for Nigeria team7-nigeria.

My team announcement post post

My membership post post

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