The Impact of Social Media I DTube Daily Vlog 0.55

in #dtube6 years ago

How much time we're spending scrolling, and how has that impacted our lives? It's a moment where I'm thinking about how it's affecting my life and I'm curious to know how you feel about it. I might try to take breaks from it, and just enjoy life without Internet for a while... :)

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If I wasn't getting paid to run ad campaigns and create campaigns for brands wouldn't be caught on social media It's become the internets dumping ground and too many people are sitting there sifting their the rubbish that is lowest common denominator content mixed in with ads and then some fake news to boot.

Social media has really become a cess pool of bad vibes and an echo chamber for ideas. Ive reduced my personal social media to steemit and instagram thats about it. I do enjoy using quora but as an SEO im always finding new content via search which can be painful but also very rewarding


We humans are designed for smaller communities since our tribal days. That will say as soon as we create a smaller circle again we can cope with the information that is coming our way.

I also just use Steemit and Instagram. The two platforms that delivers content in an effective way. Maybe @steepshot can take over someday but currently the photos are too low res and the app is too slow to use in a comfortable way.

@phoneinf Interesting point of view, we like smaller communities in general.
I also started using Steepshot but now it's so slow and it takes a lot of time to upload...

Yes Olivia!

I hope they fix the speed in the future :(

That’s true plenty of the content you engage with on those other networks are superfluous and basically just a time killer and perhaps that’s us being victims of our own success that we have the luxuary of wasting our time without you know like starving and all

I do enjoy Quora also, and I feel that Steemit and DTube are much more positive, and open and friendly

It would be a great idea, to escape in nature where no signal comes, it would be like detoxifying our mind from that energy and connecting with the natural one. good therapy

Curious if VR will be able to replace nature. It feels pretty realistic and can easily trick the mind.

yeah just at least a break from it :D @wendyth

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Great video Olivia. Love the passion you project here. I can feel it's something that's really been weighing on your mind! I agree with you, I think it's a good idea to step back from it and focus more on yourself. More on reflection and thinking about future plans, and enjoying other amazing content like good books and movies. Well said and hope you're enjoying... England!?

@jordanpike Yes I've really been giving it a thought... good books and movies oh yes! I am in England yes just been to Greggs haha

It does feel like social media is having a negative impact on learning and enjoyment.

Great video!

I think that phones are just in general a bad way of communicating since it distracts our eyes from the world. In the future I think we will get a more effective interface that is not so much in our way.

Something I would like to see is others having the ability to read our thoughts in real time that would remove lots of friction from peoples life. It would make things work more streamlined.

Another thing is a Attention Token that would reward you with value when your paid attention to the real world. This would help to create a better balance in peoples life between social media and the world so to say.

@phoneinf I wouldn't like someone reading my mind :)

Imagine we can read everyones minds all the time and always know what their thoughts are :)))

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