Monday Nuggets.

in #life6 years ago


Happy Monday to everyone. It is that day of the week again. Actually, I love Mondays, as you all know.

This is Monday Nuggets, where inspirational, motivational, life, love, Christian, funny, etc...quotes are shared. I hope you love and get pumped up by them, and laugh a little too.

The nuggets would be shared on Sundays and Mondays. They are quotes from all over, and by me as well.

Let's get down to brass tacks.

You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget that.

Nobody can stand taller in the climb to success, than when he or she reaches down to help someone else up.

When you add value to other people's lives, you take nothing away from yourself.

You have not lived a perfect day, even though you have earned your money, unless you have done something for someone who might never be able to repay you.

The first person possesses that which the second person hid. (I have found you.)

If you are running and you hear hoof beats pursing you, it is wiser to assume that it is a horse and not a Zebra. (Be simple.)

The next time you are having a bad day, imagine this:
You are a Siamese twins
Your brother attached to your shoulder is gay
You are not
He has a date coming over tonight
You only have one butt.

There was a very cautious man who never laughed or played, he never kissed, he never tried, he never sang or prayed. And when one day he passed away, his insurance was denied, for since he never really lived, they claimed he never died.

Behind God's seeming frown, hides His smiling face.

A man threatened to kill his friend for sleeping with his wife. The wife warned him and said, "Honey, if you continue like this, you will end up killing all your friends".

There is No higher courts than courts of conscience.

Aspire to acquire the desire you admire, even when you perspire, don't retire, but refire.

Life will either bless you or bury you. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. What is important is not what others say about you, it is what you say to yourself after they get through talking.



Hello everyone, How are you all doing today? Wanna keep up with what @tangerinetravels are up to? Kindly subscribe to their channel on YouTube, click like on their videos and in Maddie's voice "Gong that bell", so as to be notified everytime they post new videos.

Their progress on YouTube has been so impressive, I would love you to be a part and be another reason to make them push further. Thanks in advance.


Follow @stach and to keep up with the amazing stuffs going on in this amazing community. Decentralizing the offline and making impact everywhere. I am glad to be a part and it would be nice if you would too.
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Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget that.

I thought this was my best until i finished reading and i couldn't choose again!

Life should be a flow...flow into others and your substance is increased.

I never wanna share my

keep steeming!


Hahahaha your comment made me laugh. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate this.

Yes, we should flow into others, only then can we find fulfilment.

I appreciate you

Deep thoughts and words of wisdom good to set the week rolling. Good one @olawalium.

Brotherly, thanks for your kind words always. I appreciate it always.

There was a very cautious man who never laughed or played, he never kissed, he never tried, he never sang or prayed. And when one day he passed away, his insurance was denied, for since he never really lived, they claimed he never died.

Never live in the shadows while alive, live life to the fullest and enjoy the good things that comes with it.

Absolutely!. My smart Idara.

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