Steemit Engagement Challenge S3:W2 || Write a letter to your five-year-old self, telling him/her what you have learned so far || burnsteem25

in India Speaks2 years ago

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It is with great pleasure that I write down my participation in the ongoing contest in the steemindia community, I find this contest topic intriguing, reason I plan to start this week's with an entry to this awesome community.

5 years the old version of me might be able to read but understanding the in-depth of this message will be impossible because I tend to instruct and advice on many things I have encountered as an older version of him, which might be a little confusing at that age, so I plan to deliver this letter to him at an age when he has seen life beyond play, toys, and movie. Preferable at the age of 10-12 years, I believe reading this will put you on a path that will secure your future and understanding of life.

The first instruction is to always listen to your parents, you might be tired of the spanks, yeah I know, errands and you want to grow fast and make decisions, boy, I tell you their is more to adulthood than just growing up, when you listen to your parent, they make you see beyond your age, your vision and your thinking, I will advice to you always listen to your parents and make most of all the advice they give to you because at most times their advice will be useful for you as you grow. I am now a better person as a result of adhering to my parent's advice.

Along the line the most common thing among adolescents is friendship, I will not ask you not to have friends but know what kinds of friends you mingle with, it is good to have a circle of friends but good friends are always rare. So I advise you to stay put and make your books your friend until a genuine friendship comes your way.

As a result of bad friends I have been intimidated a lot to doing bad habits which today I am grateful that I am no more part of, with early advice from this message of mine, I prefer you not to have a company of friends but rather love to read books at your leisure time or choose your parents and siblings as friends.

your older self

As you develop more in age, you begin to trust carelessly, I did this and the result wa disheartening, trust will only hurt you since people you tend to trust are just with you for the benefits they see in you.

Once they have gained what they came for, you will realize that you have been used and in the end and dumped which will frustrate you to become more aggressive, furious, paranoid, unforgiven, but I tell you, boy, this isn't the solution, as it will only hurt your personality.

The best is never to trust easily, and if you trust someone don't trust blindly as it will hurt you badly if you realize you are been betrayed.

And lastly, I will tell you to never settle for less, be a goal getter, dream chaser, achiever, set goals beyond yourself and achieve it, as at now I have not been able to do this but I urge you to dream big, bag distinction in your studies, love yourself more than anything and place your self first in things that you do, FYI, this doesn't mean selfishness, but rather put yourself first by doing what makes you happy.

Life will throw a lot at you as you grow older, you might experience some sort of bad emotions such as failure, sadness, sorrow, pain, even you might be depressed because of all that you are facing at that moment, but in those moments never forget the son of who you are and remember to seek forgiveness always thanks God because it could have been worse, in good times always submit your success and acheivements to God and be thankful in every position, or condition you find yourself.

Be kind and helpful to people, be respectful and be time conscious because

time is the most expensive luxury in the world, it's something you spend and you can't have back, but you never know how much you have left

At this point, I will put a stop to this message so as not to scare you about life as there is more fun to life, but is it certain that you will face the ups and downs of life, and how you overcome them will justify you and give you strength to move on and overcome more challenges in your life.

As a friend had said, life is a hard teacher and it often takes test on our patience and honesty.

I drop my pen here I wish you more success than I have achieved, you can choose to walk in my path or rather choose your path, either way, what matters most is that you make the right decisions.

Note that all I have highlighted are lessons that I have learned which have made me what I have become today, if I was privileged to be written to at some years back, I might have made better decisions but still I have learned from my mistake and that is why I am writing to you as an early bird so as not to sink on my mistakes.

I thereby invite my friends to participate in this challenge @josepha @lhorgic @kawsar @josantos

Greetings and blessings
Written by:- @olabillions


The best is never to trust easily, and if you trust someone don't trust blindly as it will hurt you badly if you realize you are been betrayed.

Such a great line that touches my heart. Yeah I will also advised not to trust anybody so blindly It will cost you in a very bad way and I have experienced it.

Glad you could relate to that line, it is important for my five year old self to understand the meaning of trust

Listening to the counsel of parents, avoiding bad friends,always going for the best in life and never settling for less.This and many more are the lessons that your 5- year old version will learn and practice after reading this letter.

Thanks for your comment, those lessons are unarguable useful for a young version of me

 2 years ago 

That quote about time is epic, you spend time, can't have it back and you have no idea how much is left. Being friends to your books is a good idea.
As it could protect against questionable company.

Thanks for your comment, its a words I found in an America rapper song, those words ring in my head always

Estimado amigo @olabillions.

Estos son muy buenos consejos para un niño de 5 años, "Siempre escuchar y oibdecer a sus padres", es primordial para poder ser respetuoso enla vida y ser respetado.
"Alejarse de lo smalos amigos", estamos en un aera donde los principios y valores se na minimizado y poco se practican, es conveniente confiar en tus instintos y si desconfías de alguien aléjate de él.
"Ponte metas claras y propontelas cumplir", no se trata de ambición, se trata de ser alguien en la vida, y para ello hay que tener metas claras, seguro de que llegarás muy lejos.

Ahora, para el adulto, el amigo que escribió la carta: Nunca es tarde, siempre puedes viuvir tus sueños, trabja en tus metas con disciplina, con tenacidad y con dedicación.


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Te invito a ver mi participación en el siguiente Link

Thanks for your comment, these are the lessons I have listed for my 5 year old self, i believe with that, his path will be more clearer

Truly, bad company corrupts good manners. If only we can avoid bad companies, then we could sprout to become valuable individuals with good reputations. I love your letter to your younger self, we all have so much to say to our younger versions if we get the chance. Good luck with this awesome entry!

Thanks for taking your time to read my publication and commenting, i believe with these lessons the path to success will be smooth and clearer

 2 years ago 

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 2 years ago 

when you listen to your parent, they make you see beyond your age, your vision and your thinking

Excellant and what a nice insight .

it is good to have a circle of friends but good friends are always rare

I would agree with the saying that , better alone then in a bad company.

with you for the benefits they see in you.

I agree with you . Only selfless relationship in world is that of parents .

because it could have been worse,

To stay positive during adverseries of life , one must look at Poole who are below us in that matter

Good luck

 2 years ago 

First I time you so much for inviting me to this contest which I find it very interesting.

Your letter is full with wisdom and inspiration correcting your five year old on most of the things that were done wrong not to repeat itself anymore.

boy, I tell you their is more to adulthood than just growing up, when you listen to your parent.

Indeed you are absolutely right for anyone to grow up having wisdom such a person need to listen to his/her parents because they are the ones that have see and experience things about life.

Thank you once again for inviting me to this contest expect my entry lastest tomorrow. Best of luck to you.

You are welcome, thanks for your constructive comment

Que bonita carta hacia tu version del pasado, te aseguro que te estaras agradecido. Los amigos y malas influencias pueden venir a nuestras vidas, pero debemos ser un mas sabios e inteligentes para apartarnos de ellos y eso lo has demostrado, que apesar de que estuvieron en tu vida hoy que no estan le das gracias a Dios por eso.

Saludos 🤗

Thanks for your comment, I believe my younger self will me more wiser than the old me

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