in #prepper7 years ago

Often, when I tell people that I am a prepper, they look at me like I am an alien from another galaxy or some sort of freak. They frequently ask me, "Why are you a prepper?" as if I am paranoid or crazy or something. I guess people get these negative impressions about preppers based on the preppers depicted on television. While I understand that negative viewpoint, I am far from the extremists seen there.

Let's be honest- We have all been in situations where we needed an item or skill that we did not have. Evaluating our risks of needing certain items or skills and obtaining those is what I consider as the definition of prepping. If I go by this self-made definition, then I am a prepper.

You may already be a beginner prepper and not even realize it. Think about it...having a spare tire in your vehicle in the event of a flat is preparing for the possibility of a flat tire. Keeping jumper cables in your vehicle is preparing for the possibility of a dead battery. Having insurance in the event of accidents, floods, etc. is preparing for those possible events. Prepping is just that simple: Preparing for a possibility of an emergency situation arising.


1) Location-Where you live is one of the largest factors to consider. Do you live in a prone area for tornadoes, hurricanes, wildfires, flooding, earthquakes, blackouts, large populations of dangerous animals or deadly spiders or snakes, etc.?
Look at your risks based on location and begin putting a kit together and having it in an easily accessible area.

2) Risky Activity- Do you drive a vehicle or take other transportation? Do you work in a particularly dangerous occupation? Do you have dangerous hobbies? If so, then you need to have insurance, first aid training and kits, know how to maintain your vehicle, change flats, charge a battery, etc.

3) Financial Risk- Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Do you have money set aside in the event of injury or job loss? If you are like most people, you are one job-loss or injury away from being homeless. It is recommended to set aside enough money to live for at least 3 months (preferably 6 months) in the event of job loss or inability to bring in an income. This will give you time to find other work or recoup from injury without being extremely stressed about finances. I also recommend having basic staples such as a stocked-up food supply (preferably shelf-stable foods that have a longer shelf life), paper goods, medical supplies, cleaning supplies, personal-care items like toothpaste, bath soap, etc., and if applicable: prescription medications or frequently-used over the counter medications.

4) Safety- Prepping is a necessity in my opinion for your safety. If you are broken down on the side of the road with a flat tire and no spare, it puts you at risk. If you have a severe cut or wound and you don't have a first aid kit or training, it puts you or a loved one at risk. If you don't have money or supplies set aside, it puts you at risk. If someone breaks into your home or place of business and you are there and you don't have a way to defend yourself or your loved-ones, it puts you at risk. Knowledge, skills and preps are essential to you and your family's safety.

5) The Unknown-We just never know what this life or the future holds for us. We can make all of the plans and speculations for the future, but it rarely ends up how we foresee it. It is better to be prepared than to look at a major need someone you love or you, yourself need and not be able to fulfill it. Every skill you learn, every item you have is a weapon in your arsenal. Items can be taken from you but knowledge is unable to be stolen. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS ARE KEY!!!


Just normal way of living and all the above, greatest joy was hearing my son say he has things set aside to sustain them and funds to cover themselves for a year if the job goes south, yup he was watching all those years and saw in action why I prepped for anything and everything.. Re steemit!

It does bring peace of mind when you and your loved ones have prepared for sure! I love having things and knowledge to sustain us....at least for a good while. Love you! Thanks for resteeming!

What kind of prepper are you a urban or country? BTW i add you to my follow 😁

I am a rural prepper. Thanks so much for following!

Nice article. Great to find preppers on here.......keep them coming. Currently living off grid up a mountain in Spain, but looked to maybe move to north east California before tSHtF.....where are you based amigo?

Hi! Great to meet you! I live in Oklahoma.

Thanks rain! And thanks for resteeming!

There is no reason not to be a prepped!⭐️

WOW I like this post. Pretty weird, thanks for sharing Please do a Introduce yourself post to get a exposure.

Best Regards

Thanks and I plan to today! Thanks for watching!

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