How the world works. Rise above it.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

One day, a professor walked into the class and wrote five equations but one was wrong. The class laughed at him and one of the students pointed out the mistake to him. However, he smiled and said he wrote the wrong equation on purpose because he wanted to teach them something very important. He said;

I wrote four correct answers on the board but none of you gave me any recognition for that. You only criticized and laughed at me for one mistake I made. That is how the world works.

The world is always fast to pick up faults, flaws and even inflate them. You could do a million good things and never be recognized, but just one mistake would get you trending. Have you ever wondered why News are mostly bad stories? That is what the world wants to hear. If you doubt this, tune your channel to CNN, BBC or Al Jazeera and calculate the ratio of good to bad stories they pass across.

The world will always want to put you down for one mistake you made and easily forget all the times you got it right. They will pretend a blind eye to all your good sides and capitalize on your flaws. They will forget all the time you were there for them and crucify you for the moment you could not continue offering your shoulders. That is how the world works!

Don't allow the criticism get to your heart. When the arrows start coming for your mistakes or flaws, do not allow it knock you off your ground. Rise above it. Understand how the world works and let your heart be strengthened. More importantly, don't join them to criticize yourself or put yourself down.

You are not a bad person because you made one bad decision.

Thanks to all of you who wrote a post for me, called, sent me gifts and good wishes on my birthday. I could not believe what I saw. I am overwhelmed by your love towards me and I am filled with gratitude. I love you all.😍

Ps:) I am using busy to post for the first time.
@gloglo, I learnt a lot talking with you today. You are full of wisdom!

@elyaque made this beautiful badge for me.


Here you hit it hard dear. in all we do , lets keep remember, that there is tomorrow. Thanks for sharing

you are not far from the truth.... people will not remember the 99 good things you did for them but can easily criticize you for that simple one(1) mistake you made... thanks for posting....

Hmmn.....that's quite true the world concentrates more on our mistakes.

Rising above it is what makes us live without resentment and bitterness

Is just ironical how the world works people will seldom see and appreciate the good you do but just one mistake is enough to crucify you.
That is how quick the world is always to judge.

So true, people pay more attention on our flaws weaknesses. Rising above the criticism is what makes us stronger. Great post @ogoowinner

I am actually using for the first time. I really did not know that I have to uncheck the like button there if I do not want to give myself a 100% upvote. But I think I like what I saw there. I will be using it more these days. is sweet to use. Lol... I enjoy the user interface and all, although for sometime now I haven't patronized it. Happy belated birthday dear

@ogoowinner such is life.

I wrote four correct answers on the board but none of you gave me any recognition for that. You only criticized and laughed at me for one mistake I made. That is how the world works.

man forgets too easy.

I have suffered serious misfired aggression and critics as written in this post.

Well I cheer myself up with this words below

@udezee learn to live life outside your comfort zone.

Its well.... I Thank God for your merry and fun filled birthday.


Criticism is a push up to the next level if considered as that. It helps to amend or correct a mistake if there's any as well as serving as an encouragement towards achieving a greater stance and to harness results.
I got one sometime for my business and it actually helped!
Nice read @ogoowinner

You're very correct @ogoowinner, people just want to see faults and weaknesses in you, even when you've done so many God things, the world celebrates failure but keeps quite about success.

@gloglo is a fantastic steemian with a beautiful heart, and it's been a really good pleasure knowing her.
Anyways I also celebrate you for your day yesterday my friend, it's been a while

The world is filled with nay Sayers, it better not to let them hunt you down, great write up lady, and happy post birthday, be a blessing to your world.

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