How Important of Self-Image??

in #life8 years ago

"Ahhh thats just Imaging!", This is a comment appears when we see someone else doing something positive. They judge, That he/she "just" wants to look good in the eyes of the people.  But, do not listen to what people say. In fact, imaging it also has a positive side that can be taken. Positive self-image. How can? we see one by one 

1.  You will not be UNDERESTIMATED

Yap, everyone does not want to be underestimated. By having a good image in public, you will not be underestimated,.

2. Easy to adapt to new environments 

With have a good self-image, you will easily adapt to your new environment,.

3. Reliable 

The benefits of having good self-image is that you are reliable, so you will be deemed worthy, and once again, you will not be underestimated,.

4. Make Yourself Better 

Self-image is not just a bullshit, you have to be consistent in building a good self image,    

Conclusion, whatever you want to do but as long as it is for the good of yourself, a positive image will simplify your life's journey. The others will not know yourself if you do not build a positive self-image

thanks for reading

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Source image : google images 

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